

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-24


姓 名:付建伟
性 别: 男

籍 贯: 河南 泌阳


职 务:
职 称: 直聘教授




通讯地址: 河南省郑州市高新区科学大道100号郑州大学材料科学与工程学院


2015.8-2016.8 美国 佐治亚理工学院(材料科学与工程学院)访问****;
2009年-至今 在郑州大学 材料科学与工程学院 高分子系工作;




目前主要研究方向:(1)聚合物微纳米的可控合成、功能化及应用研究;(2)多元素掺杂型多孔纳米碳材料的理性设计及储能;(3)低维聚合物微纳米材料及其复合材料的设计与环境吸附;(4)载体型纳米催化剂的结构设计及性能研究。到目前为止,主持完成及在研国家级、省部级等纵向课题10多项,在国外重要学术刊物发表SCI论文60 余篇(ESI高被引论文3篇),他引1700多次,授权国家发明专利4 项。


2019年 河南省科学技术进步奖 叁等奖
2019年 荣获河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖
2018年 荣获河南省科学技术进步奖 贰等奖
2018年 荣获河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖
2017年 荣获河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖
2017年 优秀硕士论文指导教师
2015年 河南省教育厅学术技术带头人
2015年 荣获2015届学校优秀毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师称号
2014年 郑州大学青年骨干教师
2014年 河南省科学技术进步奖 贰等奖


10. Zhiwei Wang, Yahuan Wang, Shuai Cao, Shaohua Liu, Zhimin Chen, Jiafu Chen, Yong Chen, Jianwei Fu*, Fabrication of core@shell structural Fe-Fe2O3@PHCP nanochains with high saturation magnetization and abundant amino groups for hexavalent chromium adsorption and reduction, Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 384, 121483.

9. Yahuan Wang, Minghuan Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Shaomin Wang, Jianwei Fu*, Tunable-quaternary (N, S, O, P)-doped porous carbon microspheres with ultramicropores for CO2 capture, Applied Surface Science 2020, 507, 145130.

8. Shaomin Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Yahuan Wang, Jiafu Chen, Zhimin Chen, Yong Chen and Jianwei Fu*, Environmentally friendly room temperature synthesis of hierarchical porous α-Ni(OH)2 nanosheets for supercapacitor and catalysis applications, Green Chemistry 2019, 21, 5960-5968.

7. Zhiwei Wang, Kai Wang, Yahuan Wang, Shaomin Wang, Zhimin Chen, Jiafu Chen, Jianwei Fu*, Large-scale fabrication of N-doped porous carbon nanosheets for dye adsorption and supercapacitor applications, Nanoscale 2019, 11, 8785-8797. This article is part of the themed collection: 2019 Nanoscale HOT Article Collection.

6. Jianwei Fu*, Jianhua Zhu, Zhiwei Wang, Yahuan Wang, Shaomin Wang, Ruiqiang Yan, Qun Xu*, Highly-efficient and selective adsorption of anionic dyes onto hollow polymer microcapsules having a high surface-density of amino groups: Isotherms, kinetics, thermodynamics and mechanism, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2019, 542, 123-135.

5. Yahuan Wang, Chengyu Lin, Zhiwei Wang, Zhimin Chen, Jiafu Chen, Yong Chen, Shaohua Liu, Jianwei Fu*, Magnetic hollow poly(cyclotriphosphazene-co-4,4'-sulfonyldiphenol)-Fe3O4 hybrid nanocapsules for adsorbing Safranine T and catalytic oxidation of 3,3',5,5'-tetramethylbenzidine, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2019, 556, 278-291.

4. Yahuan Wang, Zhiwei Wang,Shaomin Wang, Zhimin Chen*, Jiafu Chen,Yong Chen, Jianwei Fu*, Magnetic poly(cyclotriphosphazene-co-4,4′-sulfonyldiphenol) nanotubes modified with glacial acetic acid for removing methylene blue: Adsorption performance and mechanism, European Polymer Journal 2019, 120, 109198.

3. Shaomin Wang, Jianwei Fu*, Kai Wang, Meng Gao, Xuzhe Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Jiafu Chen, Qun Xu*, Facile synthesis of Pd nanoparticles on polydopamine-coated Fe-Fe2O3 magnetic nanochains as recyclable high-performance nanocatalysts, Applied Surface Science 2018, 459, 208-216.

2. Shaomin Wang, Jianwei Fu*, Kai Wang, Meng Gao, Xuzhe Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Qun Xu*, Bifunctional nanoscale magnetic chains with high saturation magnetization and catalytic activity, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2018, 525, 152-160.

1. Meng Gao, Jianwei Fu*, Minghuan Wang, Kai Wang, Shaomin Wang, Zhiwei Wang, Zhimin Chen, Qun Xu*, A self-template and self-activation co-coupling green strategy to synthesize high surface area ternary-doped hollow carbon microspheres for high performance supercapacitors, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2018, 524, 165-176.

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