研究方向 1.高分子复合材料
宋梦,讲师,硕士生导师,2015年获北京化工大学材料科学与工程专业博士学位,2018年9月赴德国柏林工业大学开展青年骨干教师研修。长期致力于研究高聚物的微观结构分析与理论模型建立,多尺度模拟法在高分子材料、特别是聚合物基复合材料设计上的应用研究,从事高分子材料材料如合成橡胶、填充橡胶、烯烃类塑料的极限强度、破坏性能、阻尼性能、使用寿命和老化寿命等研究,主持国家青年基金1项,参与国家自然基金1项,主持教学改革项目4项,参与教学改革项目4项;在《RSCAdvances》、《Macromolecular Theory andSimulations》等期刊上发表发表论文10余篇,参与专利7项。2019年材料与化工学院“巾帼标兵”;2018年度中原工学院材料与化工学院优秀共产党员;指导学生获得2019年第五届中国“互联网”大学生创新创业大赛校内选拔赛冠军;指导学生获得2017年河南省第十三届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品省级三等奖。
(2)Meng Song, Xiujuan Wang, Guomin Yu, Fengyi Cao,Yanli Zhang, Haiyan Pei, Qi Qin,The Dynamic Properties of Hindered Amine GW-944/Nitrile-Butadiene Rubber HybridDamping Materials, Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 13(1):282-284
(3)Meng Song, Xiujuan Wang, Sizhu Wu,Qi Qin, Guomin Yu, Zhongzhu Liu, Haiyan Pei, Yanli Zhang, and Mingli Jiao, Howthe Hindered Amines Affect the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties ofNitrile-Butadiene Rubber Composites, e-Polymers, (Accepted)
(4)Meng Song, Xiuying Zhao, Tung W.Chan, Liqun Zhang, Sizhu Wu, Microstructure and dynamic properties analyses of hinderedphenol AO-80/nitrile-butadiene rubber/poly(vinyl chloride): A molecular simulationand experimental study, Macromolecular Theory and Simulations, 2015, 24(1):41-51
(6)Meng Song, Xiuying Zhao, Yi Li, ShikaiHu, Liqun Zhang, Sizhu Wu, Molecular dynamics simulations and microscopicanalysis of the damping performance of hindered phenol AO-60/nitrile-butadienerubber composites, RSC Advances, 2014, 4(13): 6719-6729
(7)Meng Song, Xiuying Zhao, Bo Qiao, Hua Zou, Sizhu Wu*,Study on the dynamic properties of nitrile-butadiene rubber/hindered phenolmixtures by molecular dynamic simulation, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013,25(9): 5200-5202
(8)Meng Song, Chen Zhang, Zhenyu Song,Nan Yan, Sizhu Wu*, Study on the structure and properties of novelimpact resistance fabric*, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012, 182-183: 153-157
(9)Aung Myat Thu, Meng Song, Sizhu Wu,Anbang Sheng, Xiaohao Chen, Xiujuan Wang. Artificial Neural Network Predictionand Mechanism Analysis for Migration of Environmental Contaminant CyclicOrganosiloxane Oligomer from Silicone Rubber, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2019,58(25): 11093-11100
(10)Jing Zhu, Xiuying Zhao, Li Liu, MengSong, Sizhu Wu*, Quantitative relationships between intermolecularinteraction and damping parametersofirganox-1035/NBRhybrids:Acombinationofexperiments,moleculardynamicssimulations,and linear regression analyses, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018,135(17): 46202
(11)Jing Zhu, Xiuying Zhao, Meng Song,Yue Han, Li Liu, Sizhu Wu*, A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study on theRelationship between Hydrogen Bond and Damping Properties of AO-70/NBRComposites,Key Engineering Materials, 2017, 748: 29-34
(12)Xiujuan Wang, Xiuting Zheng, Meng Song,Sizhu Wu*, A study on the relationship between polycarbonatemicrostructure and performance as determined by a combined experimental andmolecular dynamics simulation method, E-Polymers, 2014, 14(6): 407-415
(13) Zhao Wang, Tao Wei, Xiao Xue,Miaomiao He, Jiajia Xue, Meng Song,Sizhu Wu, Hailan Kang, Liqun Zhang*, Qingxiu Jia*,Synthesis of fully bio-based polyamides with tunable properties by employingitaconic acid, Polymer, 2014, 55(19): 4846-4856
(14)Xiujuan Wang, Xiuting Zheng, Meng Song,Xiuying Zhao, Sizhu Wu*, Thermomechanical analysis of poly (bisphenol-Acarbonate) performance and molecular simulation, Advanced Materials Research,2013, 781-784: 576-579
(15)Hongbao Wang, Meng Song, Jinmei Tan,Sizhu Wu*, Study on the stress-induced crystallization andthe constitutive equation of ethylene-propylene diene, Advanced Materials Research,2012, 531: 622-625
(16)Zhenyu Song, Chen Zhang, Meng Song,Sizhu Wu*, Advanced stab resistance fabrics utilizing shearthickening fluids, Advanced materials research, 2011, 299-300: 73-76