Email: lixl@zzuli.edu.cn; lixl2010@126.com, 电话:**
手性稀土单分子磁体的合成及其多铁性能研究, 2014.01—2017.12, 86万, 第一。
已在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.; Chem.-Eur. J.; Inorg. Chem.; Dalton Trans.; CrystEngComm. 等国际著名学术期刊发表SCI研究文章30 篇,影响因子大于4.0 的12 篇;其中第一作者SCI 论文20篇,影响因子大于4.0 的6 篇。荣获第二届河南省自然科学学术论文一等奖一项,申请国家发明专利3项。
1. Xi-Li Li*, Jia-Long Kang, Xue-Li Zhang, Hong-Ping Xiao*, Ai-Ling Wang, Liming Zhou, Shao-Ming Fang and Cai-Ming Liu*, ‘Anion-controlled self-assembly of two NLO-active dinuclear and molecular square Cu(II) enantiomeric pairs: from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic coupling,’
Dalton Trans. 2014, 43,17226-17229 (封面文章,影响因子 IF = 4.097).
2.Xi-Li Li*, Chun-Lai Chen, Hong-Ping Xiao*, Ai-Ling Wang, Cai-Ming Liu*, Xianjun Zheng, Li- Jun Gao, Xiao-Gang Yang and Shao-Ming Fang*, ‘Luminescent, magnetic and ferroelectric properties of noncentrosymmetric chain-like complexes composed of nine-coordinate lanthanide ions,’
Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 15317-15325 (影响因子 IF = 4.097).
3.Xi-Li Li*, Chun-Lai Chen, Li-Feng Han, Cai-Ming Liu, You Song, Xiao-Gang Yang, Shao-Ming Fang*, ‘First one-dimensional homochiral stairway-like Cu(II) chains: crystal structures, circular dichroism (CD) spectra, ferroelectricity and antiferromagnetic properties,’
Dalton Trans. 2013, 42, 5036-5041 (影响因子 IF = 4.097).
4.Xi-Li Li*, Chun-Lai Chen, Yu-Liang Gao, Cai-Ming Liu*, Xiang-Li Feng, Yang-Hai Gui, and Shao-Ming Fang*,‘Modulation of Homochiral DyIII Complexes: Single-Molecule Magnets with Ferroelectric Properties,’
Chem. -Eur. J. 2012, 18, 14632-14637 (影响因子 IF = 5.696).
5.Xi-Li Li*,Yu-Liang Gao, Xiang-Li Feng, You-Xuan Zheng, Chun-Lai Chen, Jing-Lin Zuo* and Shao-Ming Fang*, ‘Two mono- and dinuclear Eu(III) enantiomeric pairs based on chiral bis-bidentate bridging ligands: synthesis, structures, luminescent and ferroelectric properties’,
Dalton Trans. 2012, 41, 11829-11835 (影响因子 IF = 4.097).
6. Xi-Li Li*, Lai-Fu He, Xiang-Li Feng, You Song, Min Hu, Li-Feng Han, Xian-Jun Zheng, Zhi-Hong Zhang, and Shao-Ming Fang*, ‘Two chiral tetradecanuclear hydroxo-lanthanide clusters with luminescent and magnetic properties’,
CrystEngComm. 2011, 13, 3643-3645 (封面文章,影响因子 IF = 3.858).
7. Xi-Li Li*, Xiaoxia Niu, Lai-Fu He, Xiang-Li Feng, Shao-Ming Fang, Li-Feng Han, Li-Ming Zhou, Hong-Ping Xiao*, ‘Acylpyrazolonate-based lanthanide complexes: synthesis, crystal structures and photoluminescence properties’,
Synthetic Metals, 2011, 161, 1063-1067 (TOP期刊,影响因子 IF = 2.22).
8. Xi-Li Li, Kai Chen, Yu Liu, Zhao-Xi Wang, Tian-Wei Wang, Jing-Lin Zuo, Yi-Zhi Li, Yue Wang, Jin song Zhu, Jun-Min Liu, You Song,* and Xiao-Zeng You*, Molecule-Based Ferroelectric Thin Films: Mononuclear Lanthanide Enantiomers Displaying Room-Temperature Ferroelectric and Dielectric Properties
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 6820-6823 (影响因子 IF = 11.336)
9.Ying Wang, Xi-Li Li, Tian-Wei Wang, You Song*, Xiao-Zeng You, ‘Slow Relaxation Processes and Single-Ion Magnetic Behaviors in Dysprosium-Containing Complexes’,
Inorg. Chem. 2010, 49, 969-976 (影响因子 IF = 4.794)
10. Yong-Hui Zhou, Jun Li, Tao Wu, Xiao-Peng Zhao, Qiu-Lei Xu, Xi-Li Li *, Ming-Bo Yu, Li-Li Wang, Peng Sun, You-Xuan Zheng *, ‘Photoluminescent and ferroelectric properties of a chiral rhenium(I) complex based on the chiral ligand (–)-4,5-pinene-2,2′-bipyridine ligand’,
Inorg. Chem. Commun, 2013, 29, 18-21 (影响因子 IF = 2.06)