

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-03


主要研究方向:    计算机网络及网络安全,计算机协同技术
2009-2012, 基于Trustie技术平台的电力生产管理系统高可信软件开发环境的研制及示范工程, 中华人民共和国科学技术部, 25.5
2009.11-2010.12, 综合检测****, 中船系统工程研究院, 28
2009.10-2010.12, 无人机任务**, 中船系统工程研究院, 61.5
2008.1-2010.1, *****模拟器技术开发, 中船系统工程研究院, 60
2007-2010, 模型驱动的面向服务集成开发平台, 吉林省科技厅, 100
2009-2010, 仿真评估系统工具组件开发, 第二炮兵装备研究院, 35
2009-2010, XX单舰检测设备软件, 中船系统工程研究院, 32
2010-2012, 舰载XX系统试验指挥及显示系统研制, 上海航天八院, 28
2010.01-2012.12, 一种具有通用描述能力和动态特性的元建模语言研究, 自然基金委, 29
2011-2011, 控制台和光电载荷电子交互式软件, 中船系统工程研究院, 27
2011-2012, 仿真态势显示、头盔虚拟实现、RITA接口软件研制, 上海机电研究所, 55
2011-2011, 多粒度仿真模型集成管理技术分析研究软件, 中船系统工程研究院, 65
2011-2013, 演示系统软件开发, 中船系统工程研究院, 60
2010-2011, 无人机系统维修联调设备模拟器软件, 中船系统工程研究院, 26
2010-2011, 专用检测设备软件开发, 中船系统工程研究院, 32
2011-2013, 基于SOA的电力行业软件开发与集成支撑平台, 吉林省科技厅, 40
2011-2013, 吉林省网络通信软件科技创新中心, 吉林省科技厅, 20
2009-2010, 系统综合导演台, 中船系统工程研究院, 25
2008-2010, 航空管制协调台模拟器技术开发, 北京海丰系统工程技术开发公司, 66
2011-2014, 电子飞行软件包开发, 北京海丰系统工程技术公司, 40
2012-2015, 信息收集分发软件开发, 北京海丰系统工程技术公司, 65
2011-2013, 仿真态势生成与显示技术研究, 上海机电研究所, 20
2012-2014, 机务管理系统, 北京海丰系统工程技术开发公司, 40
2013-2014, 工程中心建设, 吉林省科技厅, 30
2013-2015, 软件测试环境, 中船系统工程研究院, 32
2013-2016, 基于SOA的电力行业软件开发与集成支撑平台, 发展改革委员会, 50

[1] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Coherent high-order harmonic generation by sawtooth-like laser fields, Optics Express, 2013.05, SCI收录IDS:143YW
[2] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Carrier-envelope phase effects of over-saturated few-cycle laser pulses on high-order harmonic generation, OPTIK, 2013, SCI收录IDS:229AC
[3] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Knowledge-Domain Semantic Searching and Recommendation Based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm, JOURNAL OF BIONIC ENGINEERING, 2013.10, SCI收录IDS:244AE
[4] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), KaM_CRK: Clustering and Ranking Knowledge for Reasonable Results Based on Behaviors and Contexts, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013.06, SCI收录IDS:162LZ
[5] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Study on GDC-LSGM composite electrolytes for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013.08, SCI收录IDS:212WX
[6] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Personalized search based on context-centric model, Journal of Networks, 2013, EI检索:20**9
[7] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Tactic of military knowledge interconnection based on semantic, Journal of Software, 2013, EI检索:20**1
[8] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Research of low altitude communication protocol conversion process based on pattern match , 2013 3rd International Symposium on Chemical Engineering and Material Properties, 2013, EI检索:20**5
[9] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Research on general data publish/subscribe model based on DDS , 3rd International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering, 2013, EI检索:20**2
[10] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 雷达有源干扰过程仿真研究与设计, 计算机仿真, 2013.03, 核心期刊
[11] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Enhancement algorithm combining pseudocolor processing and marker-based watershed transform for medical image , 2012 3rd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Processes, 2012, EI检索:20**6
[12] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), A collaborative simulation monitor system of ship based on patterns, Proceedings of 2012 International Symposium on Information Technologies in Medicine and Education, 2012, EI检索:184
[13] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), A routing attack detection method for cluster wireless sensor networks, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 2012, EI检索:247
[14] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 基于PBDM划分权限的授权代理模型, 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2012, 核心期刊
[15] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), A Role-based feature model componentization framework and related algorithms, Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2012, EI检索:404
[16] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Security threats and security policy in wireless sensor networks, Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences , 2012, EI检索:823
[17] 刘淑芬(第一作者), A Universal Gravitation Based Clustering Algorithm for Distributed File System, Chinese journal of electronics, 2012, SCI收录IDS:884QK
[18] 刘淑芬(第一作者), Group Competitive Model of Optimal Node Selection Based on Service Evaluation, Chinese journal of electronics, 2012, SCI收录IDS:976WS
[19] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Separation of Objects with Unclear Edges from the Nonuniform Background, Chinese journal of electronics, 2011, SCI收录IDS:714DA
[20] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), A high dependability grid resource scheduling algorithm, Journal of Computational Information Systems , 2011, EI检索:986
[21] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Conceptual analysis of military knowledge based on service-ontology, Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Mechatronic Science, Electric Engineering and Computer, MEC 2011, 2011, EI检索:201**
[22] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 一种Montgomery型椭圆曲线的高效标量乘算法, 电子学报 , 2011, EI检索:092
[23] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Research of insider threat based on Bayesian learning theory, Proceedings - 2011 International Conference on Computational and Information Sciences, ICCIS 2011, 2011, EI检索: 201**
[24] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Application of shipboard command and control simulation system base on SCA, 2011 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce, AIMSEC 2011, 2011, EI检索: 201**
[25] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Research on monitoring hiding technology in protection system, Proceedings - 2011 3rd Symposium on Web Society, SWS2011, 2011, EI检索: 787
[26] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), A solution of Axis2 message routing and Web services security, Proceedings - 2011 6th International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Applications, ICPCA 2011, 2011, EI检索: 841
[27] 刘淑芬(第一作者), 基于分治法的系统可靠性建模方法, 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2011, 核心期刊
[28] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 一种基于MDA的领域对象建模工具, 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2011, 核心期刊
[29] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 基于谓词逻辑的原型系统生成方法研究, 电子学报 , 2011, EI检索:873
[30] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 一种基于角色的特征模型构件化方法, 电子学报 , 2011, EI检索:622
[31] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), A credible network intrusion detection system based on grid, Proceedings - 2010 IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Information Security, WCNIS 2010, 2010, EI检索: 018
[32] 刘淑芬(第一作者), 仿真模型体系框架的研究及应用, 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2010, 核心期刊
[33] 刘淑芬(第一作者), 一种软件过程度量模型的研究与改进, 微计算机信息 , 2010, 核心期刊
[34] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 基于Linux集群的并行计算, 计算机工程, 2010, 核心期刊
[35] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), MVC框架在指控仿真系统中的应用研究, 微计算机信息, 2010, 核心期刊
[36] 刘淑芬(第一作者), Design and Implementation of Examination Evaluation System with Multimedia Training Simulation in the background, 2010 3th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 2010, EI检索: 373
[37] 刘淑芬(第一作者), Architecture of a Distributed Framework for a Fleet Command and Control system, Proceedings of the 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design, 2010, EI检索: 698
[38] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Java反射驱动的规则引擎技术研究, 计算机应用, 2010, 核心期刊
[39] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 基于模型驱动的工作流管理信息系统定制平台, 计算机工程, 2010, 核心期刊
[40] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), 一种灵活的基于权限划分的授权代理模型, 吉林大学学报(理学版), 2010, 核心期刊
[41] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Study on the distributed framework of collaborative Command and Control System, Proceedings of the 2010 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design;2010, EI检索: 698
[42] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Design And Implementation Of A Network Software Modeling Method Base On MDA Modeling, 2010 2nd IEEE Symposium on Web Society;2010, 2010, EI检索252
[43] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Application of Multi-level Compressed Decision Tree in Computer Forensics, 2010 2nd IEEE Symposium on Web Society;2010, 2010, EI检索250
[44] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Research and Application of the ESB Based on Agent in the Integration of the MIS in Power Plant, 2010 2nd IEEE Symposium on Web Society;2010, 2010, EI检索265
[45] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Research and Implementation on the Method of Service Register based on UDDI, 2010 International Conference on Information Security and Artificial Intelligence;2010 
[46] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), On the Trusted Ontology for Evaluating the Semantic Web Services, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design;2010, EI检索742
[47] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), A Framework of Constructing Trusted Services with Formulation,, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology;2010, EI检索456
[48] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Method for Universal Combat Platform Simulator Based on Domain Component Model, CSIST 2010 - The Chinese Sympsium on Information Science and Technology 2010, EI检索351
[49] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Research on Enterprise Software Architecture Based on Social Computing, 2010 2nd IEEE Symposium on Web Society;2010, EI检索249
[50] 刘淑芬(通讯作者), Research on Business Process Modeling and Business Process Service Based on Web Service, 2010 2nd IEEE Symposium on Web Society;2010, EI检索262
[51] 刘淑芬(第一作者), An algorithm of node collection in Distributed File System based on mathematical expectation , The 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling , 2010, EI检索: 388
[52]刘淑芬(第一作者), Research of Stateful Web Services Implementation Based on Workflow, 2010 2nd IEEE Symposium on Web Society;2010, EI检索: 386

电子信箱:        liusf@mail.jlu.edu.cn
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