

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-25

E-mail:lqxkycg @163.com
1.2012.09-2015.06:天津大学管理与经济学部 管理科学与工程专业 博士研究生
2.2004.09-2007.06:河南农业大学机电学院 管理科学与工程专业 硕士研究生
3.1999.09-2003.06:河南理工大学测量工程学院 土地资源管理专业 本科


[1] 李秋香,吉慧敏,黄毅敏. 价值链视角制造业高质量发展的路径与方法,科技管理研究,2021, (4)(中文核心、CSSCI)
[2] Li Qiuxiang, Li Mengmeng, Huang, Yimin. Dynamic Investigation in Green Supply Chain considering Channel Service [J]. Complexity, 2020, DOI: 10.1155/2020/**. (SCI)
[3] Huang Yimin, Li Qiuxiang, Guo Yanyan, Zhang Yuhao. Research on a Cournot-Bertrand game model with relative profit maximization[J]. Complexity, 2020, DOI: 10.1155/2020/**. (SSCI/SCI)
[4] Li Qiuxiang, Zhang Yuhao, Huang, Yimin. The Impacts of Fairness Concern and Different Business Objectives on the Complexity of Dual-Channel Value Chains[J]. Complexity, 2020, **, | doi.org/10.1155/2020/**. (SSCI/SCI)
[5] Li Qiuxiang, Chen Xingli, Huang, Yimin. The impacts of green innovation input and channel service in a dual-channel value chain[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019,16, 22. ISSN: 1660-4601.(SSCI一区)
[6] Li Qiuxiang, Chen Xingli, Huang, Yimin. The Stability and Complexity Analysis of a Low-Carbon Supply Chain Considering Fairness Concern Behavior and Sales Service[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16(15): ISSN: 1660-4601.(SSCI一区)
[7] Huang Yimin, Li Qiuxiang, Wang Xueying, Wang Hongna. Lean Path for High-Quality Development of Chinese Logistics Enterprises Based on Entropy and Gray Models[J]. Entropy, 2019, 21(7), 641. (通讯作者) (SCI/SSCI), ISSN: 1099-4300.
[8] Li Qiuxiang, Shi Mengnan, Deng Qing, Huang Yimin. The complexity entropy analysis of a supply chain system considering recovery rate and channel service[J]. Entropy, 2019, 2019, 21(7), 659.(SCI三区)ISSN: 1099-4300.
[9] Li Qiuxiang, Shi Mengnan, Huang Yimin. A dynamic price game model in a low-carbon closed-loop supply chain considering return rates and fairness concern behavior[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, 16(11), 1978, ISSN: 1660-4601. DOI: 10.3390/ijerph**. (SSCI一区)
[10] 黄毅敏,齐二石,李秋香. 精益管理创新的哲学思考[J]. 企业管理,2019,(7):111-114. (中文核心)
[11] 李秋香,张玉豪,黄毅敏*,齐二石.考虑不同商业目标和公平关切的动态博弈模型及复杂性研究[J] .运筹与管理,2019, 28(1):35-45.(国家自然基金委管理科学部认定重要A刊)
[12] Qiuxiang Li, Xingli Chen, Yimin Huang. Complexity and Entropy Analysis of a Multi-Channel Supply Chain Considering Channel Cooperation and Service, Entropy, 2018, 2018, 20(12), 970; https://doi.org/10.3390/e** (SCI三区)
[13] Yimin Huang, Xingli Chen, Qiuxiang Li*, Xiaogang Ma*. The Complexity and Entropy Analysis for Service Game Model Based on Different Expectations and Optimal Pricing, Entropy 2018, 20(11), 858; doi:10.3390/e** (通讯作者) (SCI三区)
[14] Huang Yimin, Li Qiuxiang*, Zhang Yuhao. The complexity analysis for price game model of risk-averse supply chain considering fairness concern, Complexity, 2018, 2018. (SCI 二区)(通讯作者)
[15] Huang Yimin, Li Qiuxiang*. The Entropy Complexity of an Asymmetric Dual-Channel Supply Chain with Probabilistic Selling[J]. Entropy, 2018, 20(7):543.(SCI/SSCI) (通讯作者)
[16] Li Qiuxiang, Zhang Yuhao, Huang Yimin. The complexity analysis in dual-channel supply chain based on fairness concern and different business objectives[J].Complexity,2018,2018,1-13. (SSCI/SCI二区)
[17] Li Qiuxiang*, Ma Junhai. Research on price Stackelberg game model with probabilistic selling based on complex system theory[J]. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. 2016, 30(1-3): 387-400.(SCI二区)

[18] Li Qiuxiang. The dynamic behaviors of a supply chain with stock-dependent demand considering competition and deteriorating items[J]. Kybernetes, 2016, 45(7):1109-1128.(SCI)

[19] Ma Junhai, Li Qiuxiang*. Study on Complex Advertising and Price Competition Dual-Channel Supply Chain Models Considering the Overconfidence Manufacturer[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2016, 2016:1-18.(SSCI)

[20] Ma Junhai, Li Qiuxiang*. The Complex Dynamics of Bertrand-StackelbergPricing Models in a Risk-Averse Supply Chain[J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2014 (2014).(SSCI/SCI)

国家自然科学基金,一类多渠道时滞供应链系统牛鞭效应及控制研究,G010303, 2016-2019,在研,参与.
国家自然科学基金,基于非线性、分数阶经济、金融动力系统的复杂性研究, F020306, 2013-2015,已结项,参与.
国家基础性科技工作专项,重大科学仪器项目的全生命周期质量保障方法与工具研究, 2012IM040500,2012-2015,已结项,参与.
国家基础性科技工作专项,管理创新关键技术方法工具集开发与企业应用推广 ,2010IM040300,2010-2013,已结项,参与.
五、教学科研奖励[1] 2020年度,指导研究生获河南省优秀硕士毕业论文1次
[2] 2019年度 指导学生获河南大学优秀硕士毕业论文1次
[3] 2016-2019年度年度考核优秀2次,
[4] 2018-2019年度获校优秀本科毕业论文指导教师1次
[5] 2017-2018年度 校优秀实习指导教师1次

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