本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-25
王学路 教育部“****”**** 国家****基金获得者
2000年美国亚利桑那大学获博士学位; 2001-2006年在美国Howard Hughes Medical Institute,The Salk Institute从事博士后研究; 2007-2014年复旦大学生命科学学院,教授;2014-2019年华中农业大学生命科学学院,院长,教授;2019年12月加入河南大学“作物逆境适应与改良”国家重点实验室,生命科学学院,教授。
以豆科植物和拟南芥为主要研究系统,采用遗传学、生化和分子生物学学、细胞和发育生物学、生物信息学和结构生物学等多学科理论和方法,长期从事菌植互作与生物固氮、豆科生物学和植物激素信号转导网络及其调控生长发育的机制研究。揭示了油菜素甾醇信号转导网络及其调控植物发育和作物株型的遗传和分子机制;揭示了油菜素甾醇与脱落酸信号途径互作以及逆境下植物生长发育和环境适应性的遗传和分子机制;发现了油菜素甾醇与独脚金内酯信号途径互作调控植物分枝的分子机制。 在Science、Development Cell(5)、PNAS(5)、Nature Communications, eLife, Genes & Development、Plant Cell(2)、Molecular Plant(9)和New Phytologist(2)等国际主流期刊发表50篇重要研究论文,引用三千多次。这些研究成果具有重要生物学意义,也为绿色农业发展提供了重要理论依据和创新方法。主持国家自然基金委****基金、重点基金、国际合作和重大研究计划集成项目;主持科技部““973”项目课题和政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项项目;主持上海市“浦江计划”和上海市优秀学科带头人项目;主持农业部“农业杰出人才与创新团队”;入选国家百千****才工程“有突出贡献中青年专家”;享受国务院特殊津贴。
Fang, Z., Ji, Y., Hu, J., Guo, R., Sun, S.* and Wang, X.* (2019). “Strigolactones and brassinosteroids antagonistically regulate the stability of D53-OsBZR1 complex to determine FC1 expression in rice tillering.” Mol Plant. S1674-2052(19)30401-0. PMID: **
Hu, J., Ji, Y., Hu, X., Sun, S. * and Wang, X.* (2019). “BES1 functions as co-regulator of D53-like SMXLs to inhibit BRC1 expression in strigolactone-regulated shoot branching in Arabidopsis.” Plant Communications. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.xplc.2019.100014
Wu, Z., Wang, M., Yang, S., Chen, S., Chen, X., Liu, C., Wang, S., Wang, H., Zhang, B., Liu, H., Qin, R., and Wang, X.* (2019). “A global co-expression network of soybean genes gives insight into the evolution of nodulation in non-legumes and legumes.” New Phytologist. 223(4):2104-2119. PMID: **
Song, S., Wang, H., Sun, M., Tang, J., Zheng, B., Wang, X.* and Yan-Wen Tan (2019). “Reactive oxygen species-mediated BIN2 activity revealed by single-molecule analysis.” New Phytologist. 223(2):692-704. PMID: **
Sun, S.#, Wang, T.#, Wang, L., Li, X., Jia, Y., Liu, C., Huang, X., Xie, W. and Wang X.* (2018). “Natural Selection of a GSK3 Determines Rice Mesocotyl Domestication by Coordinating Strigolactone and Brassinosteroid Signaling.” Nature Communications. 9(1):2523. PMID: **
Wang, H. and Wang, X.* (2018). “GSK3-like Kinases Are a Class of Positive Components in the Core ABA Signaling Pathway.” Mol Plant. 11(6):761-763. PMID: **
Wang, H., Tang, J., Liu, J., Hu, J., Liu, J., Chen, Y., Cai, Z. and Wang, X.* (2017). "Abscisic Acid Signaling Inhibits Brassinosteroid Signaling through Dampening the Dephosphorylation of BIN2 by ABI1 and ABI2." Mol Plant. 11(2):315-325. PMID: **
Yang, M. and Wang, X.* (2017). "Multiple Ways of BES1/BZR1 Degradation to Decode Distinct Developmental and Environmental Cues in Plants." Mol Plant. 10(7):915-917. PMID: **
Yang, M., Li, C., Cai, Z., Hu, Y., Nolan, T., Yu, F., Xie, Q., Tang, G. and Wang, X.* (2017). "SINAT E3 Ligases Control the Light-Mediated Stability of the Brassinosteroid-Activated Transcription Factor BES1 in Arabidopsis." Dev Cell. 41(1): 47-58 e44. PMID: **
Qiao, S., Sun, S., Wang, L., Wu. Z., Li, C., Li, X., Wang, T., Leng, L., Tian, W., Lu, T. and Wang, X*. (2017). "The RLA1/SMOS1 Transcriptio n Factor Functions with OsBZR1 to Regulate Brassinosteroid Signaling and Rice Architecture." Plant Cell. 29(2):292-309. PMID: **
Wang, D., Yang, C., Wang, H., Wu, Z., Jiang, J., Liu, J., He, Z., Chang, F., Ma, H. and Wang, X*. (2016). "BKI1 regulates plant architecture through coordinated inhibition of the brassinosteroid and ERECTA signaling pathways in Arabidopsis." Mol Plant. 10(2):297-308. PMID: **
Hao, Y., Wang, H., Qiao, S., Leng, L. and Wang, X*. (2016). "Histone deacetylase HDA6 enhances brassinosteroid signaling by inhibiting the BIN2 kinase." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 113(37):10418-23. PMID: **
Sun, S., Chen, D., Li, X., Qiao, S., Shi, C., Li, C., Shen, H. and Wang, X.* (2015). “Brassinosteroid Signaling Regulates Leaf Erectness in Oryza sativa via the Control of a Specific U-Type Cyclin and Cell Proliferation.” Dev Cell. 34(2):220-8. PMID:**
Jiang, J., Zhang, C., and Wang, X.* (2015). “A Recently Evolved Isoform of the Transcription Factor BES1 Promotes Brassinosteroid Signaling and Development in Arabidopsis thaliana.” Plant Cell. 27(2):361-74. PMID: **
Jiang, J., Wang, T., Wu, Z., Wang, J., Zhang, C., Wang, H., Wang, Z. and Wang, X.* (2015). “The Intrinsically Disordered Protein BKI1 Is Essential for Inhibiting BRI1 Signaling in Plants.” Mol Plant. 8, 1675-1678. PMID: **
Cheng, Y., Zhu, W., Chen, Y., Ito, S., Asami, T. and Wang, X.* (2014). “Brassinosteroids control root epidermal cell fate via direct regulation of a MYB-bHLH-WD40 complex by GSK3-like kinases.” Elife. PMID: **
Yang, C., Liu, J., Dong, X., Cai, Z., Tian, W. and Wang, X.* (2014). “Short-term and continuing stresses differentially interplay with multiple hormones to regulate plant survival and growth.” Mol Plant. 7, 841-855. PMID: **
Wang, J., Jiang, J., Wang, J., Chen, L., Fan, S., Wu, J., Wang, X. and Wang, Z. (2014). “Structural insights into the negative regulation of BRI1 signaling by BRI1-interacting protein BKI1.” Cell Res. 24, 1328-1341. PMID: **
Cai, Z., Liu, J., Wang, H., Yang, C., Chen, Y., Li, Y., Pan, S., Dong, R., Tang, G., Barajas-Lopez Jde, D., Fujii, H. and Wang, X.* (2014). “GSK3-like kinases positively modulate abscisic acid signaling through phosphorylating subgroup III SnRK2s in Arabidopsis.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 111, 9651-9656. PMID:**
Zhu, W., Wang, H., Fujioka, S., Zhou, T., Tian, H., Tian, W. and Wang, X.* (2013). “Homeostasis of brassinosteroids regulated by DRL1, a putative acyltransferase in Arabidopsis.” Mol Plant. 6, 546-558. PMID: **
Wang, Y., Sun, S., Zhu, W., Jia, K., Yang, H. and Wang, X.* (2013). “Strigolactone/MAX2-induced degradation of brassinosteroid transcriptional effector BES1 regulates shoot branching.” Dev Cell. 27, 681-688. PMID:**
Yang, C., Zhang, C., Lu, Y., Jin, J., and Wang, X.* (2011). “The mechanisms of brassinosteroids' action: from signal transduction to plant development.” Mol Plant. 4, 588-600. PMID: **
Wang, H., Yang, C., Zhang, C., Wang, N., Lu, D., Wang, J., Zhang, S., Wang, Z., Ma, H., and Wang, X.* (2011). “Dual role of BKI1 and 14-3-3 s in brassinosteroid signaling to link receptor with transcription factors.” Dev Cell. 21, 825-834. PMID: **
Ye, Q., Zhu, W., Li, L., Zhang, S., Yin, Y., Ma, H. and Wang, X.* (2010). “Brassinosteroids control male fertility by regulating the expression of key genes involved in Arabidopsis anther and pollen development.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 107, 6100-6105. PMID: **
Zhang, S., Cai, Z. and Wang, X.* (2009). “The primary signaling outputs of brassinosteroids are regulated by abscisic acid signaling.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 106, 4543-4548. PMID: **
Wang, X., Kong, H. and Ma, H. (2009). “F-box proteins regulate ethylene signaling and more.” Genes Dev. 23, 391-396. PMID: **
Wang, X. and Chory, J. (2006). “Brassinosteroids regulate dissociation of BKI1, a negative regulator of BRI1 signaling, from the plasma membrane.” Science. 313, 1118-1122. PMID: **
Wang, X., Li, X., Meisenhelder, J., Hunter, T., Yoshida, S., Asami, T. and Chory, J. (2005). “Autoregulation and homodimerization are involved in the activation of the plant steroid receptor BRI1.” Dev Cell. 8, 855-865. PMID: **
宋纯鹏,王学路.《植物生理学》(主译)科学出版社,第四版(2009)和第五版(2015)北京ISBN 978-7-03-025169-5。
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