

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-25

· 个人简介:
· 主要教育经历:
2003.3-2003.10 加拿大University of Ottawa 高级访问****
1998.9-1999.9 马来西亚University of Malaya 大学 博士后
1993.3-1996.1 南京大学化学系 博士生
1986.9-1989.7 东北师范大学化学系 研究生
1982.9-1986.7 河南大学化学系 本科生
· 主要工作经历:
2018.2-今 河南大学学科建设处 处长、博士生导师
2008.12-2018.1 河南大学化学化工学院 院长、博士生导师
2005.4-2008.11 河南大学化学化工学院 河南省****、博士生导师
2003.11-2005.3 河南大学科研处 副处长、教授、博士生导师
2002.3-2003.10 河南大学科研处 副处长、教授
2000.12-2002.2 河南大学化学化工学院 教授
1996.12-2000.11 河南大学化学化工学院 副教授
1992.5-1996.11 河南大学化学化工学院 讲师
1989.7-1992.4 河南大学化学化工学院 助教
· 讲授课程:
· 研究方向:
· 研究成果:

· 近五年代表性论文:
1. Pengtao Ma, Feng Hu, Jingping Wang*, Jingyang Niu*, Carboxylate covalently modified polyoxometalates: From synthesis, structural diversity to applications, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2018, DOI: org/10.1016/j.ccr.2018.02.010.
2. Jiawei Wang, Yanjun Niu, Meng Zhang, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, Jingyang Niu*, and Jingping Wang*, Organophosphonate-Functionalized Lanthanopolyoxomolybdate: Synthesis, Characterization, Magnetism, Luminescence, and Catalysis of H2O2?Based Thioether Oxidation. Inorg. Chem., 2018, 57, 1796?1805.
3. Qiaofei Xu, Yanjun Niu, Guan Wang, Yingguang Li, Yuan Zhao, Vikram Singh, Jingyang Niu*, Jingping Wang*, Polyoxoniobates as a superior Lewis base efficiently catalyzed Knoevenagel condensation. Mol. Catal., 2018, 453, 93?99.
4. Shumin Chen, Pengtao Ma, Huihui Luo, Yangyang Wang, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*, A luminescent polyoxoniobate lanthanide derivative {Eu3(H2O)9[Nb48O138(H2O)6]}27-, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 3709?3712
5. Li Li, Kaili Dong, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*, A {As4Cu4[Cu(H2O)]12} Cluster Incorporated within Four [Nb7O22]9? Units. Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 16957?16960
6. Ke Wang, Yanjun Niu, Dongyan Zhao, Yanxin Zhao, Pengtao Ma, Dongdi Zhang, Jingping Wang,* and Jingyang Niu*, The Polyoxovanadate-Based Carboxylate Derivative , K6H[VV17VIV12(OH)4O60(OOC (CH2)4 COO)8]·nH2O: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Catalysis for Oxidation of Sulfides. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 14053–14059
7. Pengtao Ma, Feng Hu, Rong Wan, Yu Huo, Dongdi Zhang, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*, Magnetic double-tartaric bridging mono-lanthanide substituted phosphotungstates with photochromic and switchable luminescence properties, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 5424—5433
8. Vikram Singh, Zhiyuan Chen, Pengtao Ma, Dongdi Zhang, Michael G. B. Drew, Jingyang Niu,* and Jingping Wang*, Unprecedented {Fe14}/{Fe10} Polyoxotungstate-Based Nanoclusters with Efficient Photocataly- tic H2 Evolution Activity: Synthesis, Structure, Magnetism, and Electrochemistry, Chem. Eur. J., 2016, 22, 10983 – 10989
9. Jie Li, Jipeng Guo, Jiage Jia, Pengtao Ma, Dongdi Zhang,* Jingping Wang and Jingyang Niu*,
Isopentatungstate-supported metal carbonyl derivative: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties for alkene epoxidation,Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 6726–6731
10. Dongdi Zhang, Fan Cao, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, You Song, Zhijie Liang, Xiaojing Hu, Jingping Wang,*
and Jingyang Niu*, A {Nb6P2W12}-Based Hexameric Manganese Cluster with Single-Molecule Magnet
Properties, Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 17683-17690
11. Yu Huo, Zhiyuan Huo, Pengtao Ma, Jingping Wang,*and Jingyang Niu*,Polyoxotungstate Incorporating Organotriphosphonate Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic for Alkene Epoxidation,Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 406?408
12. Jingyang Niu, Fang Li,Junwei Zhao, Pengtao Ma,Dongdi Zhang,Bassem Bassil,Ulrich Kortz,and Jingping Wang*,Tetradecacobalt(II)-Containing 36-Niobate [Co14(OH)16(H2O)8Nb36O106]20? and Its Photocatalytic H2 Evolution Activity, Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 9852 – 9857
13. Donghui Yang,Yanfen Liang,Pengtao Ma,Suzhi Li,Jingping Wang,*,and Jingyang Niu* , Ligand-Directed
Conformation of Inorganic–Organic Molecular Capsule and Cage, Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53 (6), 3048–3053
14. Lu Yang, Pengtao Ma, Zhen Zhou, Jingping Wang* and Jingyang Niu*, A Crown-Shaped 24-Molybdate Cluster Constructed by Organotriphosphonate Ligand, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 8285?8287.
15. Donghui Yang, Suzhi Li, Pengtao Ma, Jingping Wang* and Jingyang Niu*, Carboxylate-Functionalized Phosphomolybdates: Ligand-Directed Conformations, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 8987?8992.
· 主持项目(近五年):
1. 钽氧簇及其衍生物的体系调控合成、晶体结构及性质研究(**)
国家自然科学基金 2018.1-2021.12 在研
2. 多酸基磁性材料的设计、合成、结构及磁性研究 (**)
国家自然科学基金 2016.1-2019.12 在研
3. 新型铌氧簇过渡金属衍生物的合成、结构及其催化光解水性质研究 (**)
国家自然科学基金 2014.1-2017.12 完成
4. 有机膦酸构筑的多金属氧簇的制备、结构及性质研究(**)
国家自然科学基金 2012.1-2015.12 完成
5. 铌氧簇稀土衍生物的控制合成、结构及光学性质研究(**)
国家自然科学基金 2011.1-2013.12 完成

· 专著:
《杂多化合物概论》 牛景杨,王敬平编著 2000,河南大学出版社

Name:Jingyang Niu
Department:College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Professional:professor(second level)

Individual resume
Doctor of science, doctoral supervisor, director of Subjects Construction Department, special term professor of Henan province, gainer of the following honors: specialist enjoying special government allowance, excellent specialist of Henan province, excellent young technology specialist of Henan province, leader of the trans-century academic technology of Henan province, young and middle-aged core teacher of Henan province. Member of Chinese Chemical Society, member of Inorganic Chemistry Committee, vice president of Chemical Society of Henan Province, header of Inorganic Chemistry Specialty Committee, executive member of Chemical Industry Society of Henan Province, header of Key Laboratory of Polyoxometalate Chemistry of Henan Province, director of the open laboratory for the key subject of “Molybdenum and Tungsten Chemistry and Chemical Industry” of Henan province, header of the science and technology innovation team of “Molybdenum and Tungsten Chemistry and Chemical Industry” of Henan province, header of the “Environmental Engineering” post-doctor scientific research innovation team of Henan province, header of the national level “Chemistry” characteristic specialty, header of the national level quality video open class “Approaching Chemistry”, vice director of the Teaching Instruction Committee for Chemistry Specialty of Henan Province.

Main Education Experince
2003.3-2003.10 University of Ottawa, senior visiting scholar
1998.9-1999.9 University of Malaya, post-doctor
1993.3-1996.1 Chemistry College of Nanjing University, doctor
1986.9-1989.7 Chemistry College of Northeast Normal University, graduate
1982.9-1986.7 Chemistry College of Henan University, undergraduate

Main Work Experince
2018.2 to now director of Department of Subject Construction, doctoral supervisor
2008.12-2018.1 director of College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, doctoral supervisor
2005.4-2008.11 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, special term professor of Henan University, doctoral supervisor
2003.11-2005.3 vice director of Department of Achedemic Reserch of Henan University, professor, doctoral supervisor
2002.3-2003.10. vice director of Department of Achedemic Reserch of Henan University, professor
2000.12-2002.2. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, professor
1996.12-2000.10. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, associate professor
1992.5-1996.11. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, lecturer
1989.7-1992.4. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Henan University, teaching assistant

Teaching Course
Undergraduate: “Approaching Chemistry”, “Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry” “Chemistry on Twenty-first Century”, “Progress in Modern Chemistry” and “Synthetic Chemistry Experiment”; graduate: “Advanced Inorganic chemistry” and “Polyoxometalates”.

Reserch Direction
Polyoxometalates chemistry and functional coordination compounds

Research achievements
Undertook and finished 9 items of State Natural Sciences Foundation projects, 1 item of major project of Ministry of Education, 2 items of doctor station fund of Ministry of Education, 1 item of science and technology innovation outstanding person fund of Henan province, 1 item of outstanding person fund of Henan province, 1 item of outstanding academic talent innovation project of Henan province, a number of other provincial level projects, published 1 professional work and more than 300 SCI research papers, also has 5 items of identified achievements, in addition acquired 1 item of second class also 1 item of third class prize of science and technology progress award.

Representative Papers in Recent 5 Years
1. Pengtao Ma, Feng Hu, Jingping Wang*, Jingyang Niu*, Carboxylate covalently modified polyoxometalates: From synthesis, structural diversity to applications, Coord. Chem. Rev., 2018, DOI: org/10.1016/j.ccr.2018.02.010.
2. Jiawei Wang, Yanjun Niu, Meng Zhang, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, Jingyang Niu*, and Jingping Wang*, Organophosphonate-Functionalized Lanthanopolyoxomolybdate: Synthesis, Characterization, Magnetism, Luminescence, and Catalysis of H2O2?Based Thioether Oxidation. Inorg. Chem., 2018, 57, 1796?1805.
3. Qiaofei Xu, Yanjun Niu, Guan Wang, Yingguang Li, Yuan Zhao, Vikram Singh, Jingyang Niu*, Jingping Wang*, Polyoxoniobates as a superior Lewis base efficiently catalyzed Knoevenagel condensation. Mol. Catal., 2018, 453, 93?99.
4. Shumin Chen, Pengtao Ma, Huihui Luo, Yangyang Wang, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*, A luminescent polyoxoniobate lanthanide derivative {Eu3(H2O)9[Nb48O138(H2O)6]}27-, Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 3709?3712
5. Li Li, Kaili Dong, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*, A {As4Cu4[Cu(H2O)]12} Cluster Incorporated within Four [Nb7O22]9? Units. Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 16957?16960
6. Ke Wang, Yanjun Niu, Dongyan Zhao, Yanxin Zhao, Pengtao Ma, Dongdi Zhang, Jingping Wang,* and Jingyang Niu*, The Polyoxovanadate-Based Carboxylate Derivative , K6H[VV17VIV12(OH)4O60(OOC (CH2)4 COO)8]·nH2O: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and Catalysis for Oxidation of Sulfides. Inorg. Chem., 2017, 56, 14053–14059
7. Pengtao Ma, Feng Hu, Rong Wan, Yu Huo, Dongdi Zhang, Jingyang Niu* and Jingping Wang*, Magnetic double-tartaric bridging mono-lanthanide substituted phosphotungstates with photochromic and switchable luminescence properties, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2016, 4, 5424—5433
8. Vikram Singh, Zhiyuan Chen, Pengtao Ma, Dongdi Zhang, Michael G. B. Drew, Jingyang Niu,* and Jingping Wang*, Unprecedented {Fe14}/{Fe10} Polyoxotungstate-Based Nanoclusters with Efficient Photocataly- tic H2 Evolution Activity: Synthesis, Structure, Magnetism, and Electrochemistry, Chem. Eur. J., 2016, 22, 10983 – 10989
9. Jie Li, Jipeng Guo, Jiage Jia, Pengtao Ma, Dongdi Zhang,* Jingping Wang and Jingyang Niu*,
Isopentatungstate-supported metal carbonyl derivative: synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties for alkene epoxidation,Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 6726–6731
10. Dongdi Zhang, Fan Cao, Pengtao Ma, Chao Zhang, You Song, Zhijie Liang, Xiaojing Hu, Jingping Wang,*
and Jingyang Niu*, A {Nb6P2W12}-Based Hexameric Manganese Cluster with Single-Molecule Magnet
Properties, Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 17683-17690
11. Yu Huo, Zhiyuan Huo, Pengtao Ma, Jingping Wang,*and Jingyang Niu*,Polyoxotungstate Incorporating Organotriphosphonate Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization, and Catalytic for Alkene Epoxidation,Inorg. Chem. 2015, 54, 406?408
12. Jingyang Niu, Fang Li,Junwei Zhao, Pengtao Ma,Dongdi Zhang,Bassem Bassil,Ulrich Kortz,and Jingping Wang*,Tetradecacobalt(II)-Containing 36-Niobate [Co14(OH)16(H2O)8Nb36O106]20? and Its Photocatalytic H2 Evolution Activity, Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 9852 – 9857
13. Donghui Yang,Yanfen Liang,Pengtao Ma,Suzhi Li,Jingping Wang,*,and Jingyang Niu* , Ligand-Directed
Conformation of Inorganic–Organic Molecular Capsule and Cage, Inorg. Chem., 2014, 53 (6), 3048–3053
14. Lu Yang, Pengtao Ma, Zhen Zhou, Jingping Wang* and Jingyang Niu*, A Crown-Shaped 24-Molybdate Cluster Constructed by Organotriphosphonate Ligand, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 8285?8287.
15. Donghui Yang, Suzhi Li, Pengtao Ma, Jingping Wang* and Jingyang Niu*, Carboxylate-Functionalized Phosphomolybdates: Ligand-Directed Conformations, Inorg. Chem. 2013, 52, 8987?8992.

Undertaking Projects (in Recent 5 Years)
1. Regulated and controllable synthesis, crystalline structure and property study of tantalum oxygen cluster and its derivatives. (**)
State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2018.1-2021.12, under study
2. Design, Synthesis, structure and magnetism study of polyoxometalates-based magnetic materials. (**)
State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2016.1-2019.12, under study
3. Synthesis, structure and catalytic property study for photolysis of water of new type of niobium oxygen cluster and transition metals derivatives. (**)
State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2014.1-2017.12, completed
4. Synthesis, structure and property study of organic phosphonic acid-constructed polyoxometalates. (**)
State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2012.1-2015.12, completed
5. Controllable synthesis, structure and photology property study of niobium oxygen cluster and rare earth metals derivatives. (**)
State Natural Sciences Foundation, 2011.1-2013.12, completed

Professional Works
“Generality on Heteropoly Compounds” Jingyang Niu, Jingping Wang, Henan University Press, 2000.

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