

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-25

姓名: 胡媛媛
系别: 化学系
职称: 副教授
山东农业大学 应用化学 学士 2008-2012
山东大学 物理化学 硕博连读 2013-2018
河南大学 化学化工学院 2018-至今
1. 两亲分子的界面自组装
2. 凝胶的构筑及功能。
(1) Hu Yuanyuan; Wang Ling; Song Aixin; Hao Jingcheng, Effect of Cationic Surfactants with Different Counterions on the Growth of Au Nanoclusters , Langmuir, 2018.05.29, 34(21): 6138~6146.
(2) Hu Yuanyuan; Liu Yiran; Xie Xiaoyu; Bao Wenda; Hao Jingcheng , Surfactant-regulated fabrication of gold nanostars in magnetic core/shell hybrid nanoparticles for controlled release of drug , Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2018.11.1, 529: 547~555.
(3) Hu Yuanyuan; Xie Dong; Wu Yang; Lin Nangui; Song Aixin; Hao Jingcheng, Hydrogels Based on Ag+-Modulated Assembly of 5-Adenosine Monophosphate for Enriching Biomolecules , Chemistry - A European Journal, 2017.11.7, 23(62):15721~15728.
(4) Hu Yuanyuan; Xu Mengxin; Liu Yiran; Xie Xiaoyu; Bao Wenda; Song Aixin; Hao Jingcheng, Chitosan gel incorporated peptide-modified AuNPs for sustained drug delivery with smart pH responsiveness , Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2017.02.14, 5(6): 1174~1181.
(5) Hu Yuanyuan; Xu Long; Li Guihua; Xu Lu; Song Aixin ; Hao Jingcheng, Self-Assembled Peptide Nanofibers Encapsulated with Superfine Silver Nanoparticles via Ag+ Coordination , Langmuir, 2015.08.11, 31(31): 8599~8605.

相关话题/河南大学 化学化工学院