

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-25

中科院长春应化所 稀土资源与利用国家重点实验室 博士 2010. 9—2013. 12
东北师范大学 多酸化学教育部重点实验室 硕士 2007.9-2010.7
泰山学院 化学教育 本科 2004.9-2008.7
Email: zmhao@henu.edu.cn 电话: **
2014年3月至2014年9月 中科院兰州化物所 助理研究员
2014年9月至今 河南大学化学化工学院




1. MOFs/POMs材料的合成、结构及其光学、电学性能研究;
2. 清洁能源材料的合成及器件性能研究。




1. Zhaomin Hao, Shishuai Yang, Jingyang Niu, Zhiqiang Fang, Liangliang Liu, Qingsong Dong*, Shuyan Song, Yong Zhao*, "Bimetallic Oxide Fe1.89Mo4.11O7 Electrocatalyst with Highly Efficient Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Activity in Alkaline and Acidic Media", Chemical Science, 2018, 9, 5640 – 5645.
2. Zhaomin Hao, Xuezhi Song, Min Zhu, Xing Meng, Shuna Zhao, Shengqun Su, Weiting Yang, Shuyan Song, Hongjie Zhang*, “One-dimensional channel-structured Eu-MOF for sensing of small organic molecules and Cu2+ ion”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 36, 11043 – 11050. (Times Cited: 181)
3. Zhaomin Hao, Guocheng Yang, Xuezhi Song, Min Zhu, Xing Meng, Shuna Zhao, Shuyan Song, Hongjie Zhang*, “A europium(III) based metal-organic framework: bifunctional properties related to sensing and electronic conductivity”, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, , 2014, 2, 237 – 244. (Times Cited: 79)
4. Zhiqiang Fang, Zhaomin Hao*, Qingsong Dong, Yong Cui, "Bimetallic NiFe2O4 synthesized via confined carburization in NiFe-MOFs for efficient oxygen evolution reaction", Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2018, 20, 106 – 110.
5. Yuqing Wang, Yizhen Zou, Zhiqiang Fang, Doudou Wu, Shishuai Yang, Zhaomin Hao*, Qingsong Dong, Biomolecule-Assisted Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution of Flowerlike Nickel Sulfide Nanostructures, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018, 18, 358.
6. Yizhen Zou, Yuqing Wang, Doudou Wu, Shishuai Yang, Zhiqiang Fang, Zhaomin Hao*, Junwei Lang, Qingsong Dong, Sulfur powder as a reducing agent to synthesize the Ni@Ni(OH)2 flower-like material for electrochemical capacitors, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018, 18, 311.
7. Zhiqiang Fang, Yuqing Wang, Yizhen Zou, Zhaomin Hao*, Qingsong Dong, "One-pot synthesis of nickel sulfide with sulfur powder as sulfur source in solution and their electrochemical properties for hydrogen evolution reaction", Inorganic Chemistry Communication, 2017, 79, 1 – 4.
8. Zhaomin Hao, Zhe Zhang, Shi Liu, Yong Cui*, Synthesis of wurtzite Cu2ZnSnS4 nanocrystals via solvothermal route and their application in photovoltaic devices, Materials Letters, 2016, 183, 268-271.
9. Zhaomin Hao, Yong Cui, Gang Wang*, Colloidal Synthesis of Zincblende Cu3InZnSnS6 Nanocrystals and Their Optical Property, Materials Letters, 2015, 147, 237-241.
10. Zhaomin Hao, Yong Cui, Gang Wang*, Colloidal synthesis of wurtzite CuInS2 nanocrystals and their photovoltaic application, Materials Letters, 2015, 146, 77-80.
11. Zhaomin Hao, Shuyan Song, Shengqun Su, Xuezhi Song, Min Zhu, Shuna Zhao, Xing Meng, Hongjie Zhang*, “Design and synthesis of enantiomerically pure chiral sandwich-like lamellar structure: new explorations from molecular building blocks to 3D morphology”, Crystal Growth & Design, 2013, 13, 976980.
12. Zhaomin Hao, Qingsong Dong, Ling Zhang, Yi Zhang, Fang Luo*, “Two organic-inorganic hybrid framework with the helical structure and large cavities constructed from poly(oxomolybdophosphates)”, CrystEngComm, 2010, 12, 977982.
13. Zhaomin Hao, Weihong Luo, Xiuhong Xu, Fang Luo*, “Non-hydrothermal synthesis of a complex {[Zn(phen)2]2(γ-Mo8O26)} constructed from [γ-Mo8O26]4- anions”, Z. Naturforsch., 2009, 64b, 395398.

相关话题/河南大学 化学化工学院