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Hezhong Wang (Ph.D)
Department Head / Director/ University Distinguished Professor
Department of Pesticides / NanoAgro Center / College of Plant Protection
Research Interest:
My research interests lie in the broad areas of nanotechnology applications in agriculture and life science including:
1) BioNanomatreial synthesis and characterization, and physic-chemical and biological properties;
2) Nanochitin in nanopesticide, nanofertilizer formulation and functionality evaluation;
3) Nanochitin / nanocrystal cellulose conjugate with antigen for oral vaccine development;
4) Chitosan – cellulose nanocrystal polyelectrolyte complex in drug delivery.
2006 - 2009: Ph.D. in Sustainable Biomaterials, Virginia Tech, USA.
2004 - 2005: MS.c. in Food Safety and Quality Assurance, Food Science, University of Guelph, Canada
1982 - 1986: BS in Plant Protection, Henan Agricultural University, China
Working Experiences:
2013/09 - Present: University Distinguished Professor / Department Head / Director of NanoAgro Center, Department of Pesticides, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, China
2013/01 – 2013/08: Adjunct Professor, Department of Horticulture, Virginia Tech, USA
2013/02 - 2013/08: Postdoctoral Associate, Sustainable Engineered Materials Institute, Virginia Tech / Institute of Advanced Learning and Research, Danville, VA USA
2010/12–2012/07: Postdoctoral Associate, Sustainable Engineered Materials Institute, Virginia Tech USA.
2006/01 –2009/11: Graduate Research Assistant, Macromolecules and Interfaces Institute (MII) / Sustainable Biomaterials, Virginia Tech, USA.
2005/08 –2006/01: Food Microbiologist, Microbiology Laboratory, AmeriSci Group Inc./ AmeriSci Bio-Chem Richmond, VA USA
2003/11 – 2005/06: Research Assistant, Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Guelph, ON Canada / Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, ON Canada
2002/07 –2003/10: Microbiology Laboratory Associate, Microbiology Laboratory, Shaver Poultry Breeding Farms Limited, ON Canada.
2000/4 - 2002/6: Technician, Benificial Insectary Guelph ON Cananda.
1995/01 - 1998/12: Senior Agronomist / Vice Chief/ General Manager, Industrial Business and Management Office, Henan Agricultural University.
1987/09 - 1994/12: Lecturer, Department of Plant Protection, Henan Agricultural University.
Selected Publications:
1. Nezar Samarah,Hezhong Wang, Greg Welbaum, 2016. Pepper (Capsicum annuum) seed germination and vigour following nanochitin, chitosan or hydropriming treatments, Seed Science and Technology, 44-3(SST-D-16-00103R2).
2. Hezhong Wang, Maren Roman, 2016, Cellulose-based oral vaccine formulation for influenza virus,Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine12 (2), 489, 1st
3. Fengxia Xiong, Juan Li, Hezhong Wang,Rui He, Multi-additions of azides onto fullerenes: Formation of water-soluble glycin C60 Derivatives as potential reactive oxygen species scavengers. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine2016, 12 (2):525-526.
4. Hezhong Wang, Chen Qian, Maren Roman, 2011, Effects of pH and salt concentration on the formation and properties of chitosan-cellulose nanocrystal polyelectrolyte - Macroion complexes, Biomacromolecules, 12(10):3708-3714
5. Hezhong Wang, Maren Roman, 2011, Formation and properties of chitosan-cellulose nanocrystal polyelectrolyte - Macroion complexes for drug delivery applications, Biomacromolecules, 12(5):1585-1593.
6. Zhao L, Wang G, Siegel P, He C,Wang H, Zhao W, Zhai Z, Tian F, Zhao J, Zhang H, Sun Z, Chen W, Zhang Y, Meng H., 2013, Quantitative genetic background of the host influences gut microbiomes in chickens, Scientific Reports,3(1163):1-6.
7. Katelyn Rose Colacino ,Hezhong Wang, Jung Ki Hong, 2012, The potential of a cellulose nanocrystal and water soluble chitosan complex as an oral drug delivery carrier, The FASEB Journal, 26(1.suppl.): 851.13.
8. Hezhong Wang, Christopher L. Houser, Prathyusha Kolconda, Christopher Lawrence, Maren Roman, 2012 Gene cloning and expression of fungal chitin deacetylase for the surface deacetylation of chitin nanocrystals,Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2012, 243(cell):276
9. Christopher Houser, Hezhong Wang, Kyunghee Kim, Elizabeth Bush, Maren Roman, 2012, Enzymatic surface deacetylation of chitin nanocrystals, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society,243(cell):113.
10. Hezhong Wang, Maren Roman, 2010, Preparation, characterization, and in vitro drug release properties of chitosan-cellulose nanocrystal ionic complexes, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society,239(cell): 89.
11. Maren Roman, Hezhong Wang, 2009, Chitosan-cellulose nanocrystal ionic complexes: Complexation of a polyelectrolyte and a macroion, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 239 (cell):21.
12. Hezhong Wang, Maren Roman, Complex coacervation of chitosan and cellulose nanocrystals,Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 237 (AGFD54):113.
13. Hezhong Wang, Maren Roman, 2008, Polyelectrolyte complex formation between cellulose nanocrystals and chitosan, Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 235 (cell):43.
14. Shi, Z; Si, S;Wang, H. 1995. Two new species of the genus Blastothrix Mayr from China (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Acta Entomologica Sinica 38(3): 363-366.
15. Xue, Y and Wang, H. A new species of the genus Hydroptial (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) from China. Entomologica17(3): 208-210. 1995.
16. Shi, Z; Wang, H;et al. Two new species of the genus Cheiloneurus from China (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Henanensis28 (1): 25-28. 1994.
17. Shi, Z and Wang, H. Seven new species of the family Encyrtidae from China (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Forest Research6(6). 1993.
18. Shi, Z and Wang, H.A new species and three records of the family Encyrtidae from China (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae).Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Henanensis26(4): 47-352. 1992.
19. Shi, Z; Si, S; Wang, H. Study on the genus Microterys Thomson of Henan province with description of a new species (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Henanensis26(1): 16-23. 1992.
Oral Presentations
1. 王合中,河南省第六届青年植保科技工作者学术研讨会(特邀报告,Nanotechnology in Sustainable Agriculture-Current State and Future Aspects,2015.4.16-18,信阳
2. 王合中,中国微纳米技术学会纳米科学技术分会第三届年会暨2014全国纳米生物与医学学术会议,Particulate cellulose–protein conjugates in oral vaccine formulation(Oral), 成都,2014,O-43:8
3. 王合中,华中三省昆虫学会第十次学术交流会(特邀报告),Insecticidal activity of nanochitin against wheat aphids,2014.12.5-8,河南三门峡
4. 王合中,河南省第五届青年植保科技工作者学术研讨会,纳米农药研究进展(特邀报告),2014.4.10-12,郑州
5. 王合中,河南省植保、昆虫、植病会员代表大会暨学术讨论会,可持续应用聚合物生物材料及纳米技术在农业上的应用(特邀报告),2013.11.5-7,河南洛阳
6. Hezhong Wang, Maren Roman, IUPAC World Polymer Congress (Macro 2012), Chitosan-cellulose nanocrystal polyelectrolyte - macroion complex: In vitro drug release properties (Oral), 2012:30, Blacksburg, VA, USA
7. Hezhong Wang, Maren Roman, 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting , Gene cloning and expression of fungal chitin deacetylase for the surface deacetylation of chitin nanocrystals (Oral), 2012, 243(cell):276,San Diego, California, USA
8. Hezhong Wang,Maren Roman, Preparation, characterization, and in vitro drug release properties of chitosan-cellulose nanocrystal ionic complexes (Oral), ACC Interdisciplinary Forum for Discovery in Life Sciences, 2010, 10(3-6), Blacksburg, VA, USA
1. 小麦玉米国家重点实验室开放课题,生物纳米材料提高小麦抗逆性分子机制研究,2015/09-2018/09,在研,主持。
2. 河南省科技厅国际科技合作项目,新型生物纳米材料-纳米甲壳胺诱导植物抗性研究,2014/01- 2016/12, 在研,主持。
3. 河南省教育厅重点项目,生物纳米技术及纳米甲壳胺在植物保护中的应用,2104/01-2016/12,在研,主持。
4. 生物纳米技术及生物纳米材料在农业上的应用,校****基金,2013,在研,主持。
5. 郑州市科技计划前沿技术研究开发计划,绿色纳米农药、肥料及智能型纳米给药系统的研制, 2014/01-2015/12,完成,主持。
6. IALR (Institute for Advanced Learning and Research grant), USA, Application and Characterization of Switch Grass-derived Proclaims, 2013/01-2015/12, $141,280, Finished, Major Investigator.
7. USDA NIFA Special Grant Program, Sustainable Engineered Materials from Renewable Resources, 2011, $451,374, Finished, Major Investigator.
8. NSF Division of Materials Research, Chitosan-Cellulose Ionic Complex for Oral Drug Delivery, 2009/08, $405,000, Finished, Major Investigator.
9. CALS (College of Agriculture and Life Science grant), Development of a ""Smart Field"" and Autonomous Vehicles Technology Platform for Micro-level Management of Agricultural Inputs, 2013/01-2014/12, $33,670, Finished, Major Investigator.
10. ICTAS (Institute for Critical Technology and Applied Science grant), Cellulose-based Oral Vaccine Formulation for the Treatment of Viral Infectious Diseases, 2012/01-2012/07, $30,000, Finished, Major Investigator.
1. 纳米几丁质在提高烟草产量和品质方面的应用,专利号:6.x
2. 纳米几丁质在防治小麦蚜虫方面的应用,专利号:2.4
3. 一种几丁质用于促进小麦生产的应用,专利号:6.1
2012.09: Outstanding Mentor, Virginia Tech, USA
2004.01:GSA Award, College of University of Guelph, Canada
2004.09:GSA Award, Department of Food Science, University of Guelph, Canada
1999. 河南省科技进步三等奖,河南省林虫寄生蜂种类调查,时振亚, 杨忠歧,司胜利,徐广,肖晖,王高平,尹新明,王合中, 牛瑶,时立新,张宏亮,赵爱国, 唐有歧,牛忠金,张玉君,

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