

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-31

E - mail:deliangnkong@126.com
1999.9-2003.7 河南大学,生命科学学院,学士,导师安国勇教授
2003.9-2006.6 中科院昆明植物研究所,硕士,导师胡虹研究员
2006.9-2010.1 中科院植物研究所,博士,导师,韩兴国研究员
2010.3-6 北京大学深圳研究生院曾辉教授课题组,实验室助理
2010.7-2012.5 北京大学城市与环境学院,博士后,合作导师:曾辉教授,郭大立研究员
2012.5-2014.11 河南大学,生命科学学院,讲师
2014.12-2019.11 沈阳农业大学,生物科学技术学院,副教授
2017.6-2018.6 美国Syracuse University (Biology department),访问****
2为下列杂志审稿:《植物生态学报》、New Phytologist, Global Change Biology, Journal of Ecology, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Functional Ecology, Ecography, Land Degradation and Development, Frontiers in Plant Science, Tree Physiology, Annals of Botany, Oikos, Oecologia, Science of the Total Environment, Plant Soil, American Journal of Botany, Global Ecology and Conservation,Ecology and Evolution, Ecosphere, Forestry, Crop Science, Journal of Plant Ecology, Chinese Science Bulletin, International Journal of Plant Sciences, Journal of Forestry Research, Nordic Journal of Botany, Phyton, Ecological Processes
25. Kong DL*#, Wang JJ*#, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Kardol P. 2020. A framework to assess the carbon supply-consumption balance in plant roots. New Phytologist (IF 8.51, doi:10.1111/nph.16807)
24. Ding Junxiang#, Kong Deliang#, Zhang Ziliang, Cai Qin, Liu Qing, Yin Huajun*. 2020. Climate and soil nutrients differentially drive multidimensional fine-root traits in ectomycorrhizal-dominated alpine coniferous forests. Journal of Ecology (IF 5.68, doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13407)
23.Huang Kai, Kong Deliang, Lu Xiurong, FengWeiwei, Liu Mingchao*, FengYulong*. 2020. Lesser leaf herbivore damage and structural defense and great nutrient concentrations for invasive alien plants: evidence from 47 pairs of invasive and non-invasive plants. Science of Total Environment(IF 5.58, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137829)
22. Zhao YZ#, Liu MC#, Feng YL*, Wang D, Feng WW, Clay K, Durden LA, Lu XR, Wei XL, Kong DL*.2020. Release from below- and aboveground natural enemies contributes to invasion success of a temperate invader. Plant and Soil (IF 3.25, doi: 10.1007/s11104-020-04520-5)
21. Kong DL, Fridley J*.2019. Does plant biomass partitioning reflect energetic investments in carbon and nutrient foraging? Functional Ecology 33: 1627-1637(IF 5.03)
20. Kong DL*#,Wang JJ*#, Wu HF#, Valverde-Barrantes OJ#, Wang RL#, Zeng H, Kardol P, Zhang HY, Feng YL*. 2019. Nonlinearity of root trait relationships and the root economics spectrum. Nature Communications 10: 2203 doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10245-6(IF 11.87)被审稿专家高度评价为: “novel, highly interesting”
19. Kong DL*#, Wang JJ#, Yang F, Shao PS.2018.Rhizosheaths stimulate short-term root decomposition in a semiarid grassland. Science of the Total Environment 640-641: 1297-1301(IF 5.58)
18.Liu MC#, Kong DL#, Lu XR, Huang K, Wang S, Wang WB, Qu B, Feng YL*. 2017 Higher photosynthesis, nutrient- and energy-use efficiencies contribute to invasiveness of exotic plants in a nutrient poor habitat in northeast China. PhysiologiaPlantarum160(4):373-382 (IF 3.0)
17. Kong DL*, Wang JJ, Zeng H, Liu MZ, Miao Y, Wu HF, Kardol P. 2017. The nutrient absorption-transportation hypothesis: optimizing structural traits in absorptive roots. New Phytologist 213: 1569-1572(IF 7.29)
16. Xu ZW, Ren HY, Li MH, Brunner I, Yin JF, Liu HY, Kong DL, Sun Tao, Lv XT, Cai JP, Wang RZ, Zhang YY, Wan SQ, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2017. Experimentally increased water and nitrogen affect root production and vertical allocation of an old-field grassland. Plant and Soil 412: 369-380(IF 3.25)
15.KongDL*, Wang JJ,KardolP, WuHF, ZengH, DengXB, DengY. 2016. Economic strategies of plant absorptive roots vary with root diameter. Biogeosciences13: 415-424 (IF 3.95)
14.KongDL*, Wang JJ,KardolP, WuHF, ZengH, DengXB, DengY. 2015. The root economics spectrum: divergence of absorptive root strategies with root diameter. Biogeosciences Discussion 12: 13041-13067
13. Li L, McCormack ML, Ma CE, Kong DL, Zhang Q, Chen XY, Zeng H*, Niinemets Ü, Guo DL*. 2015. Leaf economics and hydraulic traits are decoupled in five species-rich tropical-subtropical forests. Ecology Letters 18: 899-906(IF 8.69)本文被选为该杂志当期的封面文章;谷歌学术引用77次,入选ESI高引论文。
12.Kong DL* Ma CE. 2014. Acquisition of ephemeral module in roots: a new view and test. Scientific Reports 4: 5078 (IF 4.01)
11.Lü XT, Dijkstra F, Kong DL, Wang ZW, Han XG. 2014. Plant nitrogen uptake drives responses of productivity to nitrogen and water addition in a grassland. Scientific Reports 4: 4817 (IF 4.01)
10. Kong DL, Ma CE, Zhang Q, Li L, Zeng H, Chen XY, Guo DL*. 2014. Leading dimensions of functional trait variation in absorptive roots of 96 subtropical forest species. New Phytologist203: 863-872 (IF 7.29).该杂志针对此文刊发了评论文: Iversen MC 2014 Using root form to improve our understanding of root function. New Phytologist 203: 707-709。此后,再次被New Phytologist资深编辑Richard Norby高度评价New Phytologist (2017) 215: 1310–1311;New Phytologist编辑Colleen Iversen也最近也给于较高评价New Phytologist (2019) 223: 530–531;谷歌学术引用大于170次,入选ESI高引论文。
9. Kong DL*#, Lü XT#, Jiang LL#, Wu HF, Miao Y, Kardol P. 2013. Extreme rainfall events can alter inter-annual biomass responses to water and N enrichment. Biogeosciences 10: 8129-8138 (IF 3.95)
8. Kong DL*, Lü XT, Jiang LL, Wu HF, Miao Y, Kardol P. 2013. Inter-annual precipitation fluctuations alter the responses of above- and belowground biomass to water and N enrichment. Biogeosciences Discussion 10, 13427–13454
7.Guo YY, Wang JJ, Kong DL, Wang W, Guo DL, Wang YB, Xie QL, Liu YS, Zeng H. 2013. Fine root branch orders contribute differentially to uptake, allocation and return of potentially toxic metals. Environmental Science & Technology 47: 11456-11472 (IF 7.14)
6.Long YQ#, Kong DL*#, Chen ZX, Zeng H*. 2013. Variation of the linkage of root function and root branch order. Plos One 8(2): e57153 (IF 2.77)
5. Wang JJ, Guo YY, Guo DL, Yin SL, Kong DL, Liu YS, Zeng H. 2012 Fine root mercury heterogeneity: metabolism of lower-order roots as an effective route for mercury removal. Environmental Science & Technology46: 769-777 (IF 7.14)
4.Lü XT, Kong DL, Pan QM, Simmons M, Han XG. 2012. Nitrogen and water availability interact to affect leaf stoichiometry in a semi-arid grassland. Oecologia 168: 301-310 (IF 2.91)
3.Lü FM, Lü XT, Liu W, Han X, Zhang GM, Kong DL, Han XG. 2011. Carbon and nitrogen storage in plant and soil as related to nitrogen and water amendment in a temperate steppe of northern China.Biology and Fertility of Soils. 47: 187-196 (IF 4.82)
2. Kong DL*, Wu HF, Zeng, H, Lü XT, Matthew S, Wang M, Sun XF, Han XG*. 2011. Plant functional group removal alters root biomass and nutrient cycling in a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Plant and Soil 346: 133-144 (IF 3.25)
1. Kong DL*, Wu HF, Wang M, Matthew S, Lü XT, Yu Q, Han XG*. 2010. Structural and chemical differences between shoot- and root-derived roots of three perennial grasses in a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia China. Plant and Soil 336: 209-217 (IF 3.25)
7.张海艳,郭小城,孔德良*. 2018.植物经济学谱、非经济学谱及其与凋落物分解的关系.生态学杂志 37(12): 3787-3794
6.雷羚洁,孔德良,李晓明,周振兴,李国勇. 2016. 植物功能性状、功能多样性与生态系统功能: 进展与展望. 生物多样性24 (8): 922-931
5.苗原,吴会芳,马承恩,孔德良*. 2013. 菌根真菌与吸收根功能性状的关系:研究进展与评述. 植物生态学报 37: 1035-1042
4.马承恩,孔德良*,陈正侠,郭俊飞. 2012. 根系在凋落物中的生长行为及其对凋落物分解的影响. 植物生态学报36: 1197-1204
3.杨思,孔德良. 2012. 基于道路网络特征的建设用地扩张及其对林地景观的影响——以深圳市为例. 生态环境学报 21: 286-292
2.银森录, 孔德良, 郭大立. 2011 鼎湖山九种常见树木细根组织N浓度的季节变化. 植物生态学报 35: 1106-1116
1.孔德良,严宁,胡虹. 2006 开花对两种杓兰光合作用和同化产物分配的影响. 云南植物研究 28: 639-644
1.《东北地区入侵植物》,北京, 2020, 科学出版社, ISBN 978-7-03-064549-4 参编
1. Kong DL. 2009. Fine root architecture in three perennial grasses in Inner Mongolia grassland (2009年8月中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站国际学术会议青年****报告)
2. Kong DL. 2011. Variation of absorptive root functional traits and its relationship with leaf traits (2011年12月第一届生态俱乐部学术论坛根系生态学报告)
3.Kong DL. 2013. Patterns of root functional trait variation in angiosperm tree species (2013年4月在中科院西双版纳热带植物园报告)
4.Li L, Kong DL, Zhang Q, Zeng H, Chen XY, Guo DL. 2013. Leaf gas-exchange traits are independent of leaf economics traits: Implications for linking leaf functional traits with plant diversity.98th ESA Annual Convention
5.Kong DL. 2016. 被子植物吸收根直径变化的水分和碳机制初探 (2016年2月在中科院西双版纳热带植物园报告)
6. Kong DL. 2018. Divergence of the responses of native plant root strategies to invasive plants (2018年11月6日在开封第三届生物入侵与全球变化国际学术研讨会报告)
7. Kong DL. 2018. Plant root functional traits: patterns and evolution. (2018年12月在中国科学院大学生命科学学院做报告)
8. Kong DL. 2019. Allometry in plant roots: discovery, mechanisms and implications.(2019年7月中科院沈阳应用生态研究所青促会小组邀请学术报告)
9. Kong DL. 2019. Allometry in plant roots: discovery, mechanisms and implications.(2019年11月21日首届全国生态系统观测研究科学大会,分会场3-1植物功能性状:器官-群落-生态系统联合召集人之一)
10. Kong DL. 2020. Exploring relationships of foraging strategies between roots and mycorrhizas.(2020年8月5号,美国生态学会(ESA)2020年年会根系生态分会场报告 OOS62 – The Next Belowground Frontiers for Trait-Based Ecology: Moving Beyond Root-Trait Measurements)

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