苟明月,1980年生,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,河南省****。自2009年以来,主要从事植物抗病和细胞壁合成调控机理研究: 通过对多个自发免疫突变体(cpr30、bon1等)的研究发现新的植物抗病防御反应调控因子及其参与的多层次调控机制; 近期发现新的木质素合成酶复合体的组装、稳定及调控机制和种皮木栓质合成途径的转录调控机制。相关论文被发表在Nature Plants、Plant Cell、Plant Physiology、Plant Journal等刊物。
1. Mingyue Gou, Xiuzhi Ran, Dwight W. Martin and, Chang-Jun Liu (2018). The scaffold proteins of lignin biosynthetic cytochrome P450 enzymes. Nature Plants, 4, 299-310.
2. Dong-Lei Yang, Zhenying Shi, Yongmei Bao, Jiapei Yan, Ziyuan Yang, Huiyun Yu, Yun Li, Mingyue Gou, Shu Wang, Baohong Zou, Dachao Xu, Zhiqi Ma, Jitae Kim, Jian Hua (2017). Calcium pumps and interacting BON1 protein modulate calcium signature, stomatal closure, and plant immunity. Plant Physiology, 175(1):424-437.
3. Mingyue Gou*, Quansheng Huang*, Weiqiang Qian, Zemin Zhang, Zhenhua Jia, and Jian Hua (2017). Sumoylation E3 Ligase SIZ1 modulates plant immunity partly through the immune receptor gene SNC1 in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, 30(4):334-342.
4. Mingyue Gou, Guichuan Hou, Huijun Yang, Xuebin Zhang, Yuanheng Cai, Guoyin Kai, and Chang-Jun Liu (2017).The MYB107 transcription factor positively regulates suberin biosynthesis. Plant Physiology, 173 (2):1045-1058.
5. Mingyue Gou*, Zemin Zhang*, Ning Zhang*, Quansheng Huang, Jacqueline Monaghan, Huijun Yang, Zhenying Shi, Cyril Zipfel, and Jian Hua (2015). Opposing effects on two phases of defense responses from concerted actions of HSC70 and BON1 in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 169(3):2304-2323.
6. Xuebin Zhang, Mingyue Gou, Chunrong Guo, Huijun Yang, Chang-Jun Liu (2014). Down-regulation of the kelch domain-containing F-box protein in Arabidopsis enhances the production of (poly)phenols and tolerance to UV-radiation. Plant Physiology, 167(2):337-50
7. Chang-Jun Liu, Yuanheng Cai, Xuebin Zhang, Mingyue Gou, Huijun Yang (2014). Tailoring lignin biosynthesis for efficient and sustainable biofuel production. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 12(9):1154-62.
8. Xiaoqing Wang, Mingyue Gou, Huahu Bu, Shengxue Zhang, Guoying Wang (2014).Proteomic analysis of Arabidopsis constitutive expresser of pathogenesis-related gene1 (Cpr30/cpr1-2) mutant. Plant omics journal, 7(3):123-132
9. Kewei Zhang, Ondrej Novak, Zhaoyang Wei, Mingyue Gou, Xuebin Zhang, Yong Yu, Huijun Yang, Yuanheng Cai, Miroslav Strnad, and Chang-Jun Liu (2014). Arabidopsis ABCG14 protein controls the acropetal translocation of root-synthesized cytokinins. Nature Communications | 5:3274 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms4274.
10. Xuebin Zhang*, Mingyue Gou*, Chang-Jun Liu (2013). Kelch repeat F-box proteins regulate phenylpropanoid biosynthesis via controlling the turnover of Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase. Plant Cell, 25: 4994–5010. (*Co-first author)
11. Mingyue Gou and Jian Hua (2012). Complex regulation ofanRgeneSNC1revealed by auto-immune mutants. Plant Signaling & Behavior, 7(2): 213–216.
12. Mingyue Gou, Zhenying Shi, Ying Zhu, Zhilong Bao, Guoying Wang and Jian Hua (2012). The F-box protein CPR1/CPR30 negatively regulates R protein SNC1 accumulation. Plant Journal, 69, 411–420. (Recommended as top article from F1000's faculty of leading experts)
13. Yongqing Li*, Mingyue Gou*, Qi Sun, and Jian Hua (2010). Requirement of calcium binding, myristoylation, and protein-protein interaction for the copine BON1 function in Arabidopsis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285(39): 29884-91. (*Co-first author)
14. Jun Zheng*, Junjie Fu*, Mingyue Gou*, Junling Huai, Yunjun Liu, Min Jian; Quansheng Huang, Xiying Guo, Zhigang Dong, Hongzhi Wang, Guoying Wang (2010). Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of two maize inbred lines under drought stress. Plant MolecularBiology, 72(4-5): 407-21. (*Co-first author)
15. Mingyue Gou*, Nan Su*, Jun Zheng, Junling Huai, Guangheng Wu, Jinfeng Zhao, Junguang He, Dingzhong Tang, Shuhua Yang, and Guoying Wang.(2009). An F-box gene, CPR30, functions as a negative regulator of the defense response in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal,60(5): 757-70.
16. Jinfeng Zhao, Zhenfei Sun, Jun Zheng, Xiying Guo, Zhigang Dong, Junling Huai, Mingyue Gou, Junguang He, Yongsheng Jin, Jianhua Wang , Guoying Wang (2009). Cloning and characterization of a novel CBL-interacting protein kinase from maize. Plant Molecular Biology, 2009, 69:661–674.
17. Jun Zheng, Jinfeng Zhao, Jinpeng Zhang, Junjie Fu, Mingyue Gou, Zhigang Dong, Wei Hou, Jinping Jia, Quansheng Huang and Guoying Wang (2006). Comparative expression profiles of maize genes under high-salinity, cold and abscisic acid application using a water stress specific cDNA macroarray. Plant Science, 170: 1125-1132.
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