

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-11-02

姓名: 廉飞宇
性别 男
民族 汉
出生年月 1970.7.26
学历 博士
职称 副教授
党派 群众
手机 **
学科一 计算机应用技术
学科二 信息与通信技术
邮箱 lfywork@163.com
所在院系 通信工程
研究方向 粮食信息处理与控制
通信地址 郑州市高新区莲花街河南工业大学信息学院

一、 基本信息
姓名:廉飞宇 性别:男 出生日期:1970年7月
学位:博士 专业:计算机应用技术 职称:副教授

二、 发表论文(第一作者)
[1] Lian, Fei-Yu ( School of Computer Engineering and Science, ShanghaiUniversity, Shanghai , China and College of computer science and engineering, Henan University of Technology, Zhengzhou , China ); Li, Qing. A new recognition method for subsurface targets based on ground penetrating radar map . Source: International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, v 5, n 8, p 31-42, 2011(EI Accession number: 201**)
[2] Lian, Fei-Yu ( School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University , Shanghai , China ); Li, Qing. A new underground target identification method based on ground penetrating radar map. Source: Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 58-60, p 1926-1931, 2011, Information Technology for Manufacturing Systems II(EI Accession number: 018)
[3] Lian, Feiyu ( School of ComputerEngineering and Science, Shanghai University , Shanghai , 200072, China ); Li, Qing; Fu, Maixia; Zhang, Yuan. A study on a general model of information fusion networks. Source: Proceedings-2008 Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application, PACIIA 2008, v 1, p 579-584, 2008, Proceedings - 2008 Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application, PACIIA 2008( EI Accession number: 732)
[4] Lian, Feiyu ( School of Computer Engineering and Science, Shanghai University , Shanghai , China ); Yu, Jijiang. A study of precise vehicle speed measurement using Bluetooth and SCM technology. Source: Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2009, 2009, Proceedings - 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2009( EI Accession number: 894)
[5] 廉飞宇; 李青; 白浩; 一种大规模粮堆介电常数测量方法。兰州理工大学学报(中文核心期刊)。2010年 06期。
[6] 廉飞宇; 李青; 探地雷达图中地下管径尺寸的SVM识别方法。信息与电子工程。2011年 04期。
[7] Maixia, Fu; Feiyu, Lian( School of ComputerEngineering and Science, Shanghai University , Shanghai , 200072, China ); Qing, Li; Yuan, Zhang Source: A new method of feature selection for information fusion based on the game theory. Proceedings - 2008 Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application, PACIIA 2008, v 2, p 185-189, 2008, Proceedings - 2008 Pacific-Asia Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Industrial Application, PACIIA 2008(EI Accession number: 849)
[8] 廉飞宇, 李青,秦瑶. 储粮水分含量异常区域的雷达层析成像检测。计算机工程,2012,已录用。


三、 联系方式

相关话题/河南工业大学 信息科学与工程学院