

河南工业大学 免费考研网/2016-03-01

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**E-mail: robot@haut.edu.cn
宁祎,男,教授、硕士研究生导师,河南工业大学机器人研究所所长、电气工程学院副院长,中组部直接联系专家,中国自动化学会制造技术专委会委员,机器人标委会委员,中国机械工程学会高级会员,河南省机械工程学会理事,河南省省管优秀专家,河南省跨世纪学术技术带头人。国家863项目负责人,河南省杰出人才创新基金获得者,荣获国家863计划航天领域先进个人荣誉称号。主要研究方向:空间智能机器人(Telerobots)、遥操作技术(Teleoperation)和机电一体化。主要研究成果:先后主持国家“八五”计划项目“空间遥控智能机器人STANFORD型主机械手研制”;国家863项目“空间遥控智能机器人双臂协调主从操作系统手控器”;863项目“空间遥控智能机器人新型TPM通用手控器”;863重大专项子课题“舱外自由移动机器人手控器”;863项目“基于现场总线的舵机集成单元”;863重大专项子课题“航天器空间机械臂运动学分析与仿真研究”;国家863重大专项子课题“飞行器空间机械手和两余度舵机技术研究”;国家863项目“基于遥操作技术的XXX机器人”研制。国家863项目“空间XXX结构设计及力学参数仿真测试研究”,国家863项目“基于光学瞄准的XXX微位移自动测量技术”;国家自然科学基金项目“微创手术机器人虚拟安全屏障在线建模及控制”;河南省杰出人才创新基金项目 “SARS危重病人遥操作插管手术与监护系统研制”等多项国家和省部级重点项目。近年来发表学术论文36篇,被EI收录论文17篇。目前主持有国家重点在研项目。联系方式:**E-mail: robot@haut.edu.cn附:发表学术论文:[1] Yi Ning, Zhao Junfeng, Guo Xiaojun. Configuration development of robot controller with UML. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, p 5766-5769 [EI: **756][2] Guo Xiao-Jun, HanLi-Li, Yi Ning. Feature points based image registration between endoscope image and the CT image. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, p 2190-2193 [EI: **694] [3] Han Lili, Ma Wanjun, Ning Yi. The study of image edge segmentation based on Hough transform. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, p 1846-1849[EI: **577][4] Yi Ning, Gao Feng, Guo Xiaojun. The study of robot actuator control based on fuzzy algorithm. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, p 2818-2821 [EI: **752][5] Guo Xiaojun, Liu Gangrui, Ning Yi, Bi Jingkai. Study of input-output stability rule of elastic motion of flexible manipulator arm. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, p 6145-6147. [EI: **999][6] Wang Li, Zang Haihe, Ning Yi. The gas water heater control system design based on fuzzy control. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, p 840-843. [EI: **275][7] Ning Yi, Wang Xu-Hao, Han Lili. Force feedback predictive control based on BP neural network of MIS robot. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, p 419-422. [EI: **985][8] Zhang Yu-Di, Li Fu-Sheng, Bao Wei, Ning Yi. Design and implementation of a configuration and maintenance software for microcomputer protection device. Dianli Xitong Baohu yu Kongzhi/Power System Protection and Control, v 38, n 20, p 189-192.[EI: **266][9] Yi Ning, Guo Xiao-Jun, Li Xiao-Ru, Xu Xiang-Feng, Ma Wan-Jun. The implementation of haptic interaction in virtual surgery. Proceedings - International Conference on Electrical and Control Engineering, ICECE 2010, p 2351-2354. [EI: **367][10] Ning Yi, Zhao Junfeng. Matlab-based embedded controller design for robot. Advanced Materials Research, v 139-141, p 2126-2131, 2010, Manufacturing Engineering and Automation I. [EI: **130][11] Hao Kuangrong, Ning Yi. Kinematics identification and control of R-cube parallel robots only with revolute joints. IMACS Multiconference on "Computational Engineering in Systems Applications", CESA, p 2114-2121, 2006, IMACS Multiconference on "Computational Engineering in Systems Applications", CESA. [EI: **998][12] Hao Kuangrong, Ning Yi, Tian Yong .A new algebraic method for inverse kinematics(I). Proceedings 2001 International Workshop on Bio-Robotics and Teleoperation, p 301-305, 2001. [EI: **44][13] Ning Yi. Performance and evaluation method of master manipulator. Jiqiren/Robot, v 22, n 4, p 282-288, Jul 2000 Language: Chinese. [EI: **27][14] Hao Kuangrong, Xu Yun, Ning Yi. A new algebraic method for inverse kinematics(II). Proceedings 2001 International Workshop on Bio-Robotics and Teleoperation, p 306-310, 2001. [EI: **45][15] Ning Yi, Han Lili. Important man-machine interface for establishing dynamical coupling between operator and telerobot. Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering, v 11, n 3, p 282-284, Mar 26 2000 Language: Chinese. [EI: **13][16] Ning Yi. Balance system of STANFORD model master manipulator. Zhongguo Jixie Gongcheng/China Mechanical Engineering, v 6, n 5, p 28, Oct 1995 Language: Chinese, English. [EI:**03][17] Xiong Xinmin, Li Xiaoqiang, Wang Li, Ning Yi. Research on an integral driving controller based on DSP for robot moving joints. 2011 International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering, ICEICE 2011 - Proceedings, p 651-653. [EI: **857][18] 郝矿荣,李允明,宁祎. 基于李代数方法的机构奇异位形辨识. 中国智能自动化会议论文集,2001[19] 宁祎, 王红卫. TPM手控器的弹性动力分析与参数优化. 成组技术与生产现代化,2001,2[20] 闫富有,宁祎. 三维复杂区域瞬态热传导边界元分析. 成组技术与生产现代化,2000,2[21] 郝矿荣,宁祎,田勇. 偶数、李代数方法在机构运动学逆解中的应用. 机械设计,2001,12[22] 邓遵义,宁祎等. 基于CAN总线的分布式机器人控制系统设计. 微计算机信息,2007,17[23] 邓遵义,宁祎等. CANopen协议剖析及其在伺服电机控制中的实现. 机电工程,2007,8[24] 李辉,宁祎.SPCE061A单片机程序存储器的扩展技术.机电产品开发与创新,2008,4[25] 宁祎,薛文奎,刘站立.遥操作机器人数据打包算法及蓝牙通信.制造业自动化,2009(5):37-40.[26] 刘站立,宁祎,薛文奎.空间机械臂单关节驱动器的设计.制造业自动化,2009(8):124-127.[27] 李建伟,姚为正, 宁祎, 臧义. 数字信号处理器在电力系统无功谐波综合处理中的应用.电工电气,2009,10[28] 宁祎,李晓茹,郭晓君,徐向峰. 空间机器人单关节控制器模型自适应调整.制造业自动化,2010(5):185-188.[29] 徐向峰,宁祎,李晓茹,郭晓君. 滑模变结构控制在空间机器人姿态控制中的应用.制造业自动化,2010(6):75-77.[30] 张宇迪,李富生,包伟,宁祎. 一种微机保护装置配置维护软件的设计与实现. 电力系统保护与控制, 2010,38(20):189-192 (EI收录号: **266).[31] 宁祎,高枫,马万军. 医疗机器人力感觉装置控制系统研究及仿真分析. 机电工程技术,2011,40(3),P35-38. [32] 宁祎,王旭昊. 一种基于I2C总线通讯的机器人舵机系统设计. 机电工程技术,2011,40(4),P76-7. [33] Yi NING, Wan-jun MA. The Study of Image Denoising in Robot Visual Navigation System, Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation, 2011(1) PP21-24[34] 李辉,宁祎.遥操作插管手术机器人灵活度分析. 机械传动, 2011, 35(5), P9-12. [35] 宁祎,吕玉军.基于μC/OSII微创手术机器人实时操作系统移植与实现. 科学技术与工程, 2011, 11(29), P7141-7144. [36] 宁祎,周崇刚.遥操作机器人多关节联动控制算法. 2011,11(29),P7137-7140
