

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-07

性 别: 女 出生年月: 1970-02-05
职 称: 教授 工作单位: 东北农业大学生命学院
招生学科1: 植物学 招生学科2:
办公电话: ** E-mail: changying@neau.edu.cn

课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
109307 《植物资源开发与利用研究进展》 博士课 36
209212 《植物分类学》 硕士课 54
209326 《资源植物学》 硕士课 54
**j 《植物学》 本科 48
**j 《植物学实验》 本科 48
**x 《进化生物学》 本科 32
**s 《植物学野外实习》 本科 一周
1. 主持国家基金面上项目:调控香鳞毛蕨腺毛发生的基因的克隆和功能解析,项目批准号:**,2018-2021,50万。
2. 主持国家基金项目面上项目:调控香鳞毛蕨腺毛发生的基因的克隆和功能解析,项目批准号:**,2016-2017,30万元。







[1] Gao, R., Yu, D., Chen, L., Wang, W., Sun, L., & Chang, Y*. Cloning and functional analysis of squalene synthase gene from Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott. Protein expression and purification, 2019,155:95-103.
[2] Gao, R., Wang, W., Huang, Q., Fan, R., Wang, X., Feng, P., & Chang, Y*. Complete chloroplast genome sequence of Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott and the repeat structures against the thermal environment. Scientific reports, 2018,8(1):1-11.
[3] Zhang, L., Sun, L., Zhang, X., Zhang, S., Xie, D., Liang, C., & Chang, Y*. OFP1 Interaction with ATH1 Regulates Stem Growth, Flowering Time and Flower Basal Boundary Formation in Arabidopsis. Genes, 2018, 9(8): 399.
[4] Zhang, T., Wang, L., Duan, D. H., Zhang, Y. H., Huang, S. X., & Chang, Y*. Cytotoxicity-Guided Isolation of Two New Phenolic Derivatives from Dryopteris fragrans (L.) Schott. Molecules, 2018, 23(7): 1652.
[5] Zhen Lu,Qingyang Huang,Tong Zhang,Baozhong Hu*and Ying Chang*,Global transcriptome analysis and characterization of Dryopteris fragrans(L.) Schott sporangium in different developmental stages,BMC Genomics,2018,19:471-486.
[6] Tang, Y., Zhang, W., Yin, Y. L., Feng, P., Li, H. L., & Chang, Y*. Expression of ovate family protein 8 affects epicuticular waxes accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Botanical studies,  2018, 59(1):12.
[7] L.G. Zhang, X.F. Zhang, H.X. Ju,Jingui Chen,Shucai Wang,Hemeng Wang,Yuanling Zhao,Ying Chang*. OVATE FAMILY PROTEIN1 interaction with BLH3 regulates  transition  timing  from  vegetative  to  reproductive  phase in Arabidopsis.   Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2016,470:492-497.
[8] Wenzhong, W., Tong, Z., Hongjin, L., Ying, C*., & Jun, X*. Role of hydrogen sulfide on autophagy in liver injuries induced by selenium deficiency in chickens. Biological trace element research, 2017, 175(1): 194-203.
[9] Wang, S., Chang, Y., & Ellis, B.. Overview of OVATE FAMILY PROTEINS, a novel class of plant-specific growth regulators. Frontiers in plant science, 2016, 7: 417.
[10] Wenzhong Wang, Weishuang Tong, Yan Li, Rui Gao, Liguo Zhang, Ying Chang*. De novo transcriptome sequenceing and comparative analysis of differentially expressed genes in Dryopteris fragrans under temperature stress[J]. Pak. J. Bot.,2016, 48(3): 885-898.
[11] Jian-Ping Huang, Meral Tunc-Ozdemir, Ying Chang* and Alan M. Jones*. Cooperative control between AtRGS1 and AtHXK1 in a WD40-repeat protein pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Sciences. 2015,6:851.
[12] Yan Li, Lili Sun, Hemeng Wang, Rui Gao, Junzheng Zhang, Baozhong Hu*& YingChang*. Cloning and expression analysis of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase(PAL) gene family and cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) from Dryopteris fragrans[J] Biologia, 2015: 70(5): 606-614.
[13] Sansan Li,Yan Li,Lili Sun,Baozhong Hu * and Ying Chang*. Identification and expression analysis of 4-Coumarate: Coenzyme A ligase gene family in Dryopteris Fragrans[J].Cell. Mol. Biol.2015, 61 (4): 25-33.
[14] Jin Zhe, Huang Jian-ping, Wang He-meng, Ju han-xun, Ren Si-rui, and Chang Ying*. Separation and Purification of Total Phloroglucinols in Dryopteris crassirhizoma with DM-130 Macroporous Adsorption Resin[J]. Journal of Northeast Agricultural University . 2015,22(2): 8-14.
[15] Qingnan Hu; Li Yang; Shanda Liu; Limei Zhou; Xutong Wang; Wei Wang; Ling Cai; Xiuju Wu; Ying Chang; Shucai Wang ,A Repressor Motif-containing Poplar R3 MYB-like Transcription Factor Regulates Epidermal Cell Fate Determination and Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis .J. Plant Biol., 2016,59:525-535.

1.常缨,卜志刚,陶文青,陈玲玲,王琪. 一种香鳞毛蕨的工厂化育苗与人工栽培方法[P]. 黑龙江:ZL1.9, 2017-07-14.
2.常缨,卜志刚,陈玲玲,佟伟霜,黄庆阳,陶文青. 一种香鳞毛蕨愈伤组织的诱导方法及应用[P]. 黑龙江:ZL1.0, 2016-07-20.1、常缨,樊锐锋,黄庆阳,胡宝忠,袁强.
3.常缨,王会兰,贾雯靖,张冬瑞,韩佳良. 一种抗过敏植物组合物及其应用[P]. 黑龙江: ZL4.6, 2017-04-28.
4.常缨,高睿,张童,卜志刚. 一种倍半萜化合物在制备抑制急性炎症药物中的应用[P]. 黑龙江:ZL2.0, 2016-06-15.

相关话题/黑龙江 植物学 植物 课程 本科

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