性 别: 女 出生年月: 1979-02-01
职 称: 副教授 工作单位: 生命科学学院
招生学科1: 植物学 招生学科2: 空
办公电话: ** E-mail: caihuaneau@sohu.com
课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
109301 分子生物学 博士选修课 32
109302 基因工程 博士选修课 32
209339 现代植物分子生物学 硕士选修课 32
309302 植物生物工程 硕士选修课 32
(1) 国家转基因重大专项——抗病虫转基因大豆新品种培育 73万
(2) 国家自然基金青年基金—耐碱转基因苜蓿的分子机理 23 万
(3) 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目——AtbZIP1转基因苜蓿耐碱生理机制的研究 10万
(4) 教育部博士点基因项目——耐碱转基因苜蓿的功能研究 4万
(5) 东北农业大学科学研究基金——AtbZIP1转录因子基因在植物非生物胁迫反应中调控作用的研究 6万
(6) 黑龙江省科技厅——转基因苜蓿耐碱性与根瘤互作的关系 10万
黑龙江省农业科学技术 一等奖 1项
[1] Hua Cai, Yan-Ming Zhu*, Yong Li, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Dong-Dong WANG, Xiao-Li SUN. Isolation of GsNAC20 Gene from Glycine soja and Its Response to Abiotic Stresses, Acta Agronomica Sinica (English edition),2011,37(8):1351-1359.
[2] Hua Cai, Yanming Zhu*, Wei Ji, Xi Bai, Yong Li, Dongdong Wang, Xiaoli Sun. Isolation of GsbZIP33 Gene from Glycine soja and Its Response to Abiotic Stresses, Molecular Plant Breeding,2011,(4):397-401(in Chinese).
[3] Hua Cai, Feng-xia Luan*, Xue-jia Guan, Wei Zhu, Yue Bai. Primer Design and PCR Detection of Potato and Tomato Endogenous Genes. Food Science, 2011,22:192-195 (in Chinese).
[4] Lili Tang, Hua Cai, Hong Zhai, Xiao Luo, Zhenyu Wang, Lin Cui, Xi Bai *. Overexpression of Glycine soja WRKY20 enhances both drought and salt tolerance in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture,2014,118(1):77-86 [SCI]
[5] Lili Tang, Hua Cai, Wei Ji, Xiao Luo, Zhenyu Wang, Jing Wu, Xuedong Wang, Lin Cui, Yang Wang, Yanming Zhu*, Xi Bai*. Overexpression of GsZFP1 enhances salt and drought tolerance in transgenic alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013,71(10):22-30[SCI]
[6] Dan Zhu, Hua Cai, Xiao Luo, Xi Bai, Michael K. Deyholos, Qin Chen, Chao Chen, Wei Ji, Yanming Zhu*. Over-expression of a novel JAZ family gene from Glycine soja, increases salt and alkali stress tolerance. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,2012, 426(2):273-279[SCI]
[7] Z.-Y.WANG, F.-B.SONG, H.CAI, Y.-M.ZHU*, X.BAI, W.JI, Y.LI, Y.HUA. Overexpressing GsGST14 from Glycine soja enhances alkaline tolerance of transgenic Medicago sativ. Biologia Plantarum,2012, 56(3), 516-520[SCI]
[8] Xiaoli Sun , Yong Li ,Hua Cai ,Xi Bai ,Wei Ji , Xiaodong Ding , Yanming Zhu*. The Arabidopsis AtbZIP1 transcription factor is a positive regulator of plant tolerance to salt, osmotic and drought stresses. J Plant Res. 2012,125:429–438.
[9] Ye Hua, Bi-Xian Zhang, Hua Cai, Yong Li, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Zhen-Yu Wang Yan-Ming Zhu*.Stress-inducible expression of GsSAMS2 enhances salt tolerance in transgenic Medicago sativa. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2013,11(17),4030-4038
[10]Yang Zhao, Yan-Ming Zhu, Xi Bai, Wei JI, Jing Wu, Li-Li Tang, Hua Cai*. Over-expressing GsCBRLK/SCMRP Enhances Alkaline Tolerance and Methionine Content in Transgenic Medicago sativa. Acta Agronomica Sinica , 2014, 40(3): 431−438 (in Chinese).
[11] Zheng-Wei Wei, Yan-Ming Zhu, Ye Hua, Hua Cai*, Wei Ji, Xi Bai, Zhen-Yu Wang, Yi-Dong Wen. Transgenic alfalfa with GsPPCK1 and its alkaline tolerance analysis. ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2013, 39(1): 68-75 (in Chinese).
[12] Jing Wu, Yan-ming Zhu, Zhen-yu Wang, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Hua Cai*. Investigation and analysis on the agronomic traits of alkaline tolerance transgenic alfalfa with GsGSTs Gene. Hubei Agricultural Sciences.2013,52(5): 1105-1108(in Chinese).
[13]Jing Wu, Hua Cai, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Zheng-wei Wei, Li-li Tang, Yang Zhao, Yan-ming Zhu*. An analysis of salt tolerance of transgenic alfalfa with the GsGST13 /SCMRP gene. ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA,2014,23(1):257-265 (in Chinese).
[14] Zhen-Yu Wang, Hua Cai, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Yong Li, Zheng-Wei Wei, Yan-Ming Zhu*. Isolation of GsGST19 from Glycine soja and analysis of saline-alkaline tolerance for transgenic Medicago sativa. ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA. 2012,38(6): 971-979(in Chinese).
[15] Ying Liu , Hua Cai, Jing Liu, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Yan-Ming Zhu*. Transformation of the GsCRCK gene into Medicago sativa cv. Nongjing NO.1 and salt tolerance analysis in transgenic plants. ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA.2013, 22(2): 150-157(in Chinese).
[16] Jing Liu, Hua Cai, Ying Liu, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Yan-Ming Zhu*. A study on physiological characteristics and comparison of salt tolerance of two Medicago sativa at the seedling stage. ACTA PRATACULTURAE SINICA,2013,22(2): 250-256(in Chinese).
[17] Yidong Wen, Hua Cai, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Zhenyu Wang, Zhengwei Wei, Yanming Zhu*. Alkaline tolerance analysis of transgenic alfalfa with AtDREB2A Gene .Crops.2011,3: 32-35(in Chinese).
[18] Yang Zhao, Hua Cai, Xi Bai, Wei Ji, Yanming Zhu*. Investigation and analysis of performance of transgenic rice with saline stress responses gene OsCDPK7 and OsMAPK4. Crops.2012,5:22-25(in Chinese).
[19]Dongli Jiang, Hua Cai, Huizi Duanmu, Yanming Zhu*. Genome-wide filter, classification and expression analysis of GST gene family in soybean. Molecular Plant Breeding, 2013, 11(5): 465-475(in Chinese).
著作、教材 (1) 全国高等农林院校“十一五”规划教材 《植物生物技术》1部,参编,中国农业出版社
(2) “十一五”国家级规划教材《植物基因工程》1部,参编,科学出版社
(1)提高大豆蛋氨酸含量的人工序列及其植物表达载体 2013.3