性 别: 男 出生年月: 1961-10-01
职 称: 教授 工作单位: 动物科学技术学院
招生学科1: 动物学 招生学科2:
办公电话: ** E-mail: jbao@neau.edu.cn
课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
1. 国家生猪产业技术体系岗位科学家专项,饲养管理与养殖环境控制,CARS-35-05B,2017.01-2020.12,280万元,在研,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,** , 仔猪对音乐特征认知及其生物学反应机理的研究,2020.01-2023.12,57万元,在研,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,** , 富集笼环境蛋鸡社会竞争指数与社会结构特征的研究,2017.01-2020.12,60万元,在研,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,**,母猪瞳孔反射延迟的脑形态学及生理机制的研究,2015.01-2018.12,78万元,已结题,主持
5. 科技部“十二五”科技支撑计划项目,主持“现代奶业发展科技工程(2012BAD12B00)”项目,承担“东北农区奶牛规模化健康养殖技术集成与产业化示范”课题(2012BAD12B05),2012.01-2016.12,1055万元,已结题,主持
1. 家畜行为学,主编,高等教育出版社,2008年第一版,ISBN:44,2019年第二版ISBN:70,
2. 动物保护概论,副主编,高等教育出版社,2009,ISBN: 90
3. 家畜环境卫生学,副主编,高等教育出版社,2011,ISBN: 51
4. Bao J(主笔). Dairy Production in Diverse Regions | China. In: Fuquay JW, Fox PF and McSweeney PLH (eds.), Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, Second Edition, vol. 2, pp. 83–87. San Diego: Academic Press. 2011.
1. Yingying Su, Shuang Li, Hongwei Xin, Jiafang Li, Xiang Li, Runxiang Zhang, Jianhong Li*, Jun Bao*, Proper cold stimulation starting at an earlier age can enhance immunity and improve adaptability to cold stress in broilers, Poultry Science, 2020,99(1): 129-141
2. Chao Wang#, Qian Han#, Runze Liu, Wenbo Ji, Yanju Bi, Pengfei Wen, Ran Yi, Peng Zhao, Jun Bao*, Honggui Liu, Equipping Farrowing Pens with Straw Improves Maternal Behavior and Physiology of Min-Pig Hybrid Sows, Animals 2020, 10, 105
3. Xiang Li#, Hanqing Sun#, Lei Zhang, Honggui Liu, Jianhong Li, Chao Wang, Mingyue Zhang, Jun Bao*.Effects of age and confinement on pupillary light reflex in sows. Journal of Animal Science, 2019, 97(5): 2009-2014
4. Xiang Li#, Jianing Zhao#, Peng Zhao, Xin Zhang, Yanju Bi, Jianhong Li, Honggui Liu, Chao Wang, Jun Bao*, Behavioural responses of piglets to different types of music. Animal, 2019. 13(10): 2319-2326
5. Haidong Wei, Chun Li, Hongwei Xin, Shuang Li, Yanju Bi, Xiang Li, Jianhong Li, Runxiang Zhang,* and Jun Bao,* Keel Fracture Causes Stress and Inflammatory Responses and Inhibits the Expression of the Orexin System in Laying Hens, Animals 2019, 9, 804
6. Yingying Su, Haidong Wei, Yanju Bi, Yanan Wang, Peng Zhao, Runxiang Zhang, Xiang Li, Jianhong Li*, Jun Bao*, Pre-cold Acclimation Improves the Immune Function of Trachea and Resistance to Cold Stress in Broilers. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 2019, 234(5): 7198-7212
7. Ran Yi#, Chao Wang#, Xin Zhang, Peng Zhao, Mingyue Zhang, Xiang Li, Shiquan Cui, Honggui Liu*, Jun Bao*. Maternal Behavior, Posture Change, and Production Performance of Lactating Sows Housed in an Enriched Environment, Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 2019. 22(3): 298-308
8. Haidong Wei#, Runxiang Zhang#, Yingying Su, Yanju Bi, Xiang Li, Xin Zhang, Jianhong Li*, Jun Bao*, Effects of Acute Cold Stress after Long-term Cold Stimulation on Antioxidant Status, Heat Shock Proteins, Inflammation and Immune Cytokines in Broiler Heart. Frontiers in Physiology, 2018, 9, 1589
9. Yingying Su, Xin Zhang, Hongwei Xin, Shuang Li, Jiafang Li, Runxiang Zhang, Xiang Li, Jianhong Li*, Jun Bao*, Effects of Prior Cold Stimulation on Inflammatory and Immune Regulation in Ileum of Cold-stressed Broilers, Poultry Science, 2018 97(12): 4228-4237
10. Jing Lv , Jianhong Li , Chao Wang , Peng Zhao, Yanju Bi, Xin Zhang, Ran Yi, Xiang Li*, Jun Bao*. Positive or negative emotion induced by feeding success or failure can affect behaviors, heart rate and immunity of suckling calves. Physiology & Behavior, 2018, 196:185-189.
11. Honggui Liu#*, Ran Yi#, Chao Wang, Peng Zhao, Mingyue Zhang, Shiwen Xu, Jun Bao*. Behavior and physiology of two different sow breeds in a farrowing environment during late 35-day lactation, PLoS One, 2018, 13(5): e**
12. Honggui Liu, Ran Yi, Yanju Bi, Jianhong Li, Xiang Li, Shiwen Xu*, Jun Bao*. Physiology, Immunity, Stereotyped Behavior, and Production Performance of the Lactating Sows in the Enriched Environment, International Journal of Applied Research in Veterinary Medicine, 2018, 16(1): 45-52
13. Mingyue Zhang#, Xiang Li#, Xiaohui Zhang, Honggui Liu, Jianhong Li, Jun Bao*, Effects of confinement duration and parity on behavioural responses and the degree of psychological fear in pregnant sows, Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2017, 193: 21-28
14. Mingyue Zhang, Xiang Li, Jianhong Li, Hanqing Sun, Xiaohui Zhang, Jun Bao*. Effects of confinement on physiological and psychological responses and expression of interleukin 6 and brain derived neurotrophic factor mRNA in primiparous and multiparous weaning sows. Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences. 2017, 30(9): 1350-1357
15. Mingyue Zhang#, Xiang Li#, Xiaohui Zhang, Honggui Liu, Jianhong Li, Jun Bao*. Effects of confinement duration and parity on stereotypic behavioral and physiological responses of pregnant sows. Physiology & Behavior, 2017, 179: 369-376.
16. Xiang Li, Donghua Chen, Fanyu Meng, Yingying Su, Lisha Wang, Runxiang Zhang, Jianhong Li, Jun Bao*. Exterior egg quality as affected by enrichment resources layout in furnished laying-hen cages. Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences, 2017, 30(10): 1495-1499.
17. Xiang Li, Jianhong Li, Shiquan Cui, Shuling Li, Jun Bao*, The relationship of PLR to stereotypic behaviors and neurotransmitters in sows. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 2017, 21: 1-6.
18. Fanyu Meng, Donghua Chen, Xiang Li, Jianhong Li, Jun Bao*. The effect of large or small furnished cages on behaviors and tibia bone of laying hens. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 2017, 17: 69-73.
19. Jianhong Li, Fangfang Huang, Xiang Li, Yingying Su, Huitang Li, Jun Bao*, Effects of intermittent cold stimulation on antioxidant capacity and mRNA expression in broilers, Livestock Science, 2017, 204:110-114.
20. Jianhong Li, Xiaotong Liu, Lu Xing, Huo Liu, Xiang Li, Jun Bao*, Gene Expression Profiling of Broiler Liver under Cold Stress by High-Throughput Sequencing Technology, Journal of Poultry Sience, 2017, 54(3):185-196.
21. Runxiang Zhang, Yanan Wang, Chao Wang, Peng Zhao, Huo Liu, Jianhong Li*, Jun Bao*. Ameliorative Effects of Dietary Selenium Against Cadmium Toxicity Is Related to Changes in Trace Elements in Chicken Kidneys, Biological Trace Element Research, 2017, 176(2):391-400.
22. Xiang Li, Donghua Chen, Jianhong Li, Jun Bao*. Effects of furnished cage type on behavior and welfare of laying hens. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2016, 29(6): 887-894.
23. Runxiang Zhang, Lisha Wang, Jianing Zhao, Chao Wang, Jun Bao*, Jianhong Li*. Effects of Selenium and Cadmium on Ion Profiles in the Brains of Chickens, Biological Trace Element Research, 2016, 174(1):218-225.
24. 包军.在王金陵先生百年华诞纪念仪式上的致辞[J].大豆科学,2017,36(06):831.
25. 包军.中国畜牧业的“动物福利”[J].农学学报,2018,8(01):179-185.
26. 包军.构筑人才高地 助力黑龙江全面振兴发展[J].奋斗,2017(18):22-23.
27. 包军.创新人才机制 增强人才活力 为现代农业发展提供人才智力支持[J].奋斗,2017(13):42-43.
28. 包军,张名岳,李想,刘洪贵,李剑虹,高利,张晓卉,王博.死亡时间对雌性仔猪脑海马组织影响[J].东北农业大学学报,2017,48(05):42-49.
29. 温朋飞,刘洪贵,王希彪,崔世泉,包军*.富集环境对育肥猪生产性能及胴体肉品质影响[J].东北农业大学学报,2016,47(05):62-68.
1. Technologies of swine industry transformation in the Northeast China (中国东北地区生猪产业转型升级技术思考), 2017 International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare,重庆-荣昌,2017.10.23-2017.10.25
2. 动物福利促进中国生猪产业可持续发展,世界农场动物福利大会,中国-杭州,2017.10.12-201710.13
3. 动物福利与动物生产是否存在平衡点,2016动物福利国际猪业发展大会,黑龙江-哈尔滨,2016.8.20-2016.8.21
1.中国畜牧兽医学会 副理事长
2.中国农业工程学会 副理事长
3.教育部高等学校教学指导委员会动物生产类专业教学指导委员会 副主任委员
4.农业部生猪养殖设施工程重点实验室 学术委员会副主任委员