性 别: 男 出生年月: 1979-05-05
职 称: 教授 工作单位: 生命科学学院
招生学科1: 细胞生物学 招生学科2:
办公电话: E-mail: xiaominghou@126.com
课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
209338 功能基因分析技术 研究生 32
209215 细胞及组织学技术 研究生 12
(1)Song S, Jiang M, Zhou J, Zhao F, Hou X*, Lin Y*. Nutrigenomic Role of Acetate and β-Hydroxybutyrate in Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells. DNA Cell Biol. 2020 Jan 2. [Epub ahead of print]
(2)Wang B, Shi L, Men J, Li Q, Hou X, Wang C, Zhao F*. Controlled synchronization of prolactin/STAT5 and AKT1/mTOR in bovine mammary epithelial cells. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2020 Feb 20. [Epub ahead of print]
(3)Wang B, Men J, Wang C, Hou X, Zhao F*. Laminin-dependent integrin β1 signaling regulates milk protein synthesis via prolactin/STAT5 pathway in bovine mammary epithelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2020 Jan 24. [Epub ahead of print]
(4)Lin Y, Lv H, Jiang M, Zhou J, Song S, Hou X*. Functional analysis of the dairy cow mammary transcriptome between early lactation and mid-dry period. J Dairy Res. 2019, 86(1):63-67.
(5)Lin Y, Duan X, Lv H, Yang Y, Liu Y, Gao X, Hou X*. The effects of L-type amino acid transporter 1 on milk protein synthesis in mammary glands of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2018, 101(2): 1687-1696.
(6)Duan X, Lin Y, Lv H, Yang Y, Jiao H, Hou X*. Methionine Induces LAT1 Expression in Dairy Cow Mammary Gland by Activating the mTORC1 Signaling Pathway. DNA Cell Biol. 2017, 36(12):1126-1133.
(7)Yang Y, Lin Y, Duan X, Lv H, Xing W, Li Q, Gao X, Hou X*. The effects of cell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor-α-like effector C on milk lipid synthesis in mammary glands of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 2017, 100(5):4014-4024.
(8)邢伟楠,段晓宇,杨洋,侯晓明,林叶*. L型氨基酸转运载体1对奶牛乳腺中β-酪蛋白表达的影响. 中国畜牧兽医. 2016,43(10):2553-2559.
(9)Lin Y, Sun X, Hou X, Qu B, Gao X, Li Q*. Effects of glucose on lactose synthesis in mammary epithelial cells from dairy cow. BMC Vet Res. 2016 May 26;12(1):81.
(10)Hou X, Hu H, Lin Y, Qu B, Gao X, Li Q*. The effect of GRK2 on lactation and on proliferation of mammary epithelial cells from dairy cows, J Dairy Sci, 2016, 99(7):5828-5836.
(11)Hou X, Lin L, Xing W, Yang Y, Duan X, Li Q, Gao X, Lin Y*. Spleen tyrosine kinase regulates mammary epithelial cell proliferation in mammary glands of dairy cows, J Dairy Sci, 2016, 99(5): 3868-3868.
(12)Lin Y, Hou X, Shen WJ, Hanssen R, Khor VK, Cortez Y, Roseman AN, Azhar S, Kraemer FB*. SNARE-Mediated Cholesterol Movement to Mitochondria Supports Steroidogenesis in Rodent Cells. Mol Endocrinol. 2016, 30(2): 234-247.
(13)杨洋,林叶,邢伟楠;段晓宇,倪华,侯晓明*. 母源基因在猪卵母细胞成熟及胚胎发育中的作用. 畜牧与兽医,2015, 47(11):124-126.
(14)杨洋,张凯鑫,林叶,林琳,邢伟楠,倪华,侯晓明*. 新生儿卵巢同源盒基因在猪卵巢中的表达研究. 中国畜牧兽医,2015, 42(10): 2701-2706.
(15)Zhang H, Li Y, Hu J, Shen WJ, Singh M, Hou X, Bittner A, Bittner S, Cortez Y, Tabassum J, Kraemer FB, Azhar S*. Effect of Creosote Bush-Derived NDGA on Expression of Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism in Liver of High-Fructose Fed Rats: Relevance to NDGA Amelioration of Hypertriglyceridemia and Hepatic Steatosis. PLoS One, 2015, 10(9):e**.
(16)Cui Y, Liu Z, Sun X, Hou X, Qu B, Zhao F, Gao X, Sun Z, Li Q*. Thyroid hormone responsive protein spot 14 enhances lipogenesis in bovine mammary epithelial cells. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2015; 51(6):586-594.
(17)林琳,范会全,邢伟楠,杨洋,侯晓明,张常顺,林叶*. 脾源性酪氨酸激酶基因在奶牛乳腺中的表达研究. 中国畜牧兽医,2015, 42(5):1240-1244.
(18)Liang M, Hou X, Qu B, Zhang N, Li N, Cui Y, Li Q, Gao X*. Functional analysis of FABP3 in the milk fat synthesis signaling pathway of dairy cow mammary epithelial cells. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2014; 50(9):865-873.
(19)Wang Z, Hou X, Qu B, Wang J, Gao X, Li Q*. Pten regulates development and lactation in the mammary glands of dairy cows. PLoS One, 2014, 9(7):e102118.