

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-07

性 别: 男 出生年月: 1987-06-06
职 称: 副教授 工作单位: 东北农业大学农学院
招生学科1: 作物栽培学与耕作学 招生学科2:
办公电话: E-mail: yanchao504@126.com

课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时


1.Yan C, Yan S-S, Jia T-Y, Dong S-K, Ma C-M, Gong Z-P. Decomposition characteristics of rice straw returned to the soil in northeast China. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2019;114:211-24. doi: 10.1007/s10705-019-09999-8.2.Yan C, Zhan H, Yan S, Dong S, Ma C, Song Q, et al. Effects of straw retention and phosphorous fertilizer application on available phosphorus content in the soil solution during rice growth. Paddy and Water Environment. 2016;14:61-9. doi: 10.1007/s10333-015-0478-y.3.Yan C, Du TT, Yan SS, Dong SK, Gong ZP, Zhang ZX. Changes in the inorganic nitrogen content of the soil solution with rice straw retention in northeast China. Desalin Water Treat. 2018;110:337-48. doi: 10.5004/dwt.2018.22340.4.Yan C, Yan SS, Hou ZF, Dong SK, Gong ZP, Zhang ZX. Phosphorus Adsorption Characteristics of Soil with Rice Straw Retention in Northeast China. Ekoloji. 2019;28(107):1671-8.5.闫超, 颜双双, 王家睿, 董守坤, 龚振平. 寒地稻秸还田与施钾肥对土壤水溶性钾和水稻产量的影响. 东北农业大学学报. 2015;(05):16-21.6.闫超, 刁晓林, 葛慧玲, 王晓伟, 马春梅, 龚振平. 水稻秸秆还田对土壤溶液养分与酶活性的影响. 土壤通报. 2012;(05):1232-6.7.Yan S, Song J, Fan J, Yan C, Dong S, Ma C, et al. Changes in soil organic carbon fractions and microbial community under rice straw return in Northeast China. Global Ecology and Conservation. 2020:e00962. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e00962.


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