

本站小编 Free考研网/2020-03-07

性 别: 男 出生年月: 1981-09-10
职 称: 教授 工作单位: 食品学院
招生学科1: 畜产品加工工程 招生学科2:
办公电话: E-mail: liuqian@neau.edu.cn

课程编号 课程名称 课程级别 学时
210330-01 抗氧化食品与健康 硕士 32
3、国家“863”计划项目“大宗食品品质改良蛋白配料制备关键技术研究与开发” –二级子课题“肉品品质改良蛋白配料关键技术研究与开发”,2013.01-2017.12, 92.0万元,子课题负责人。(课题编号2013AA102208-2)
5、黑龙江省基金面上项目“ 氧化多酚修饰蛋白水解物提高植物油预乳状液稳定性机制及其在低脂乳化肉糜中的应用”,2018.07-2021.07,6.0万元,项目负责人。(课题编号C**)

8、“Antioxidant activity and functional properties of porcine plasma protein as influenced by the degree of hydrolysis”,2011年6月获得第十二届黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果一等奖。第一(刘骞,孔保华,熊幼翎)
9、“Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats”, 2013年7月获得第十三届黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果二等奖。第一(刘骞,孔保华,李广兴,刘宁,夏秀芳)
10、“Influence of different thawing methods on physicochemical changes and protein oxidation of porcine longissimus muscle”, 2013年7月获得第十三届黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果三等奖。第五(夏秀芳,孔保华,刘晶,刁新平,刘骞)
14、“Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats”,2012年8月获得哈尔滨市2011年度自然科学技术学术成果三等奖。第一(刘骞,孔保华,李广兴)

(1) Qian Liu, Baohua Kong*, Lianzhou Jiang, Xuhai Cui, Jing Liu. Free radical scavenging activity of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates determined by electron spin resonance spectrometer. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2009, 42, 956-962.
(2) Qian Liu, Baohua Kong*, Youling L. Xiong, Xiufang Xia. Antioxidant activity and functional properties of porcine plasma protein as influenced by the degree of hydrolysis. Food Chemistry, 2010, 118, 403-410.
(3) Qian Liu, Baohua Kong*, Guangxing Li, Ning Liu, Xiufang Xia. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on carbon tetrachloride-induced liver damage in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology‏, 2011, 49, 1316-1321.
(4) Qian Liu, Jing Li, Baohua Kong*, Na Jia, Peijun Li. The antioxidant capacity of Maillard reaction products formed by a porcine plasma protein hydrolysate-sugar model system as related to chemical characteristics. Food Science and Biotechnology, 2014, 23, 33-41.
(5) Qian Liu, Baohua Kong*, Jianchun Han, Qian Chen, Xueying He. Effects of superchilling and cryoprotectants on the quality of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) surimi: Microbial growth, oxidation, and physiochemical properties. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2014, 57, 165-171.
(6) Qian Liu, Qian Chen, Baohua Kong*, Jianchun Han, Xueying He. The influence of superchilling and cryoprotectants on protein oxidation and structural changes in the myofibrillar proteins of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) surimi. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2014, 57, 603-611.
(7) Qian Liu, Jing Li, Baohua Kong*, Peijun Li, Xiufang Xia. Physicochemical and antioxidant properties of Maillard reaction products formed by heating whey protein isolate and reducing sugars. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 2014, 67, 220-228.
(8) Qian Liu, Baohua Kong*, Jianchun Han, Changyan Sun, Peijun Li. Structure and antioxidant activity of whey protein isolate conjugated with glucose via the Maillard reaction under dry-heating conditions. Food Structure, 2014, 1, 145-154.
(9) Qian Liu, Haili Niu, Juyang Zhao, Jianchun Han, Baohua Kong*. Effect of the reactant ratio on the characteristics and antioxidant activities of Maillard reaction products in a porcine plasma protein hydrolysate–galactose model system. International Journal of Food Properties, 2016, 19(1), 99-110.
(10) Qian Liu, Rui Geng, Juyang zhao, Qian Chen, Baohua Kong*. Structural and gel textural properties of soy protein isolate when subjected to extreme acid pH-shifting and mild heating processes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63, 4853-4861.
(11) Juyang Zhao, Fujia Dong, Yuanyuan Li, Baohua Kong*, Qain Liu*. Effect of freeze-thaw cycles on the emulsion activity and structural characteristics of soy protein isolate. Process Biochemistry, 2015, 50, 1607-1613.
(12) Qain Liu, Yan Lu, Jianchun Han, Qain Chen, Baohua Kong*. Structure-modification by moderate oxidation in hydroxyl radical-generating systems promote the emulsifying properties of soy protein isolate. Food Structure, 2015, 6, 21-28.
(13) Baohua Kong, Hiali Niu, Fangda Sun, Jianchun Han, Qian Liu*. Regulatory effect of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on pasting and gelatinization action of corn starch. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 82, 637-644.
(14) Yuanyuan Li, Haotian Liu, Qi Han, Baohua Kong*, Qian Liu*. Cooperative antioxidative effects of zein hydrolysates with sage (salvia officinalis) extract in a liposome system. Food Chemistry, 2017, 222, 74–83.
(15) Juyang Zhao, Fangda Sun, Yuanyuan Li, Qian Liu*, Baohua Kong*. Modification of gel properties of soy protein isolate by freeze-thaw cycles are associated with changes of molecular force involved in the gelation. Process Biochemistry, 2017, 52, 200-208.
(16) Haili Niu, Yue Li, Jianchun Han, Qian Liu*, Baohua Kong*. Gelation and rheological properties of myofibrillar proteins influenced by the addition of soybean protein isolates subjected to an acidic pH treatment combined with a mild heating. Food Hydrocolloids, 2017, 70, 269-276.
(17) Haili Niu, Mingcheng Zhang, Xiufang Xia, Qian Liu*, Baohua Kong*. Effect of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on long-term retrogradation of corn starch. Food Chemistry, 2018, 239, 172-179.
(18) Haili Niu, Xiufang Xia, Chao Wang, Baohua Kong*, Qian Liu*. Thermal stability and gel quality of myofibrillar protein as affected by soy protein isolates subjected to an acidic pH and mild heating. Food Chemistry, 2018, 242, 188-195.
(19) Haili Niu, Yichun Chen, Huan Zhang, Baohua Kong*, Qian Liu*. Protective effect of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates on the gelation of porcine myofibrillar protein exposed to a hydroxyl radical-generating system. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 107, 654-661.
(20) Haotian Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Xinping Diao, Baohua Kong*, Qian Liu*. Effect of porcine bone protein hydrolysates on the emulsifying and oxidative stability of oil-in-water emulsions. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects , 2018, 538, 757-764.
(21) Yue Li, Haili Niu, Haotian Liu, Qian Liu*, Baohua Kong*. Effect of porcine plasma protein with limited hydrolyzation coupled with Tween 20 on the physical and oxidative stability of oil-in-water emulsions. Food Biophysics, 2018, 13, 1-11.
(22) Haili Niu, Mingkun Gao, Huan Zhang, Baohua Kong*, Qian Liu*. Stability of oil-in-water emulsions fortified with enzymatic hydrolysates form porcine plasma protein. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2018, **.
(23) Haili Niu, Qi Han, Chuanai Cao, Qian Liu*, Baohua Kong*. Short-term retrogradation behaviour of corn starch is inhibited by the addition of porcine plasma protein hydrolysates. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2018, 115, 393-400.

(1) 孔保华,刘骞,刁新平,张宏伟. 具有抗氧化活性的血清蛋白及其制备方法(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL 5.X
(2) 孔保华,刘骞,刁新平. 采用微生物发酵法猪血清蛋白抗氧化肽的方法及其产品(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL 4.3
(3) 孔保华,邢绍平,刘骞. 肉制品着色剂及其制备方法(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL 3.9
(4) 孔保华,夏秀芳,刘骞,刁新平,张慧芸,褚福娟,张宏伟. 利用复合发酵剂生产的发酵牛肉干及其生产工艺(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL1.2
(5) 孔保华,施春权,夏秀芳,张慧芸,刘骞,张宏伟. 复合食品着色防腐剂及其制备方法(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL6.4
(6) 刘骞,韩建春,孔保华,李鑫,陈倩. 一种应用于冰温鱼糜中的天然保鲜剂及利用其进行鱼糜冰温保鲜的方法(已授权国家发明专利).专利授权号码:ZL5.8
(7) 刘骞,韩建春,孔保华,赵钜阳,韩齐. 应用冻融法提高大豆分离蛋白凝胶性的方法(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL8.4
(8) 刘骞,孔保华,韩建春,卢岩,耿蕊. 高强度超声波结合羟基自由基适度氧化提高大豆分离蛋白凝胶强度的方法(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL9.9
(9) 孔保华,赵钜阳,刘骞,耿蕊,夏秀芳.可微波方便京酱肉丝的生产方法(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL3.1
(10) 孔保华,李沛军,罗慧婷,刘骞. 木糖葡萄球菌A2可转化高铁肌红蛋白生成亚硝基肌红蛋白的新用途(已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码:ZL9.5
(11) 孔保华,赵钜阳,张宏伟,卢岩,韩建春,刘骞. 可微波方便葱烧木耳炒肉的生产方法. (已授权国家发明专利). 专利授权号码: ZL3.8

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