
GMPC 材料表面粘贴 FBG 磁场传感技术

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:LIU Chi,SHEN Tao,YANG Tianyu,FENG Yue,LIU Xin,LI Yunqiang,YUAN Yue摘要:针对目前电力系统中磁场测量需求 ,以及光纤自身具有绝缘、抗电磁干扰优势,将其与巨磁致伸缩复合材料结合 ,实现磁场的检测 。其中,采用有限元分析方法 ,建立磁场环境下的材料仿真模型 ,实现材料的定性分析 。另外,根据仿真分析结果 ,研制不同浓度比的巨磁致伸缩复合材料,并将材料表面粘贴光纤光栅 ,实现磁场检测 。所提出的光纤磁场传感技术实现了低电磁干扰磁探测、提高探测效率、降低稀土合金消耗。
Abstract:Aiming at the current demand for magnetic field measurement in the power system, and leveraging the advantages of optical fibers, which include insulation and anti-electromagnetic interference, it is combined with Giant Magnetostrictive Composite(GMPC) to realize the detection of magnetic field. In this process, the finite element analysis method is used to establish the material simulation model under the magnetic field environment to realize the qualitative analysis of the material. In addition, based on the results of simulation analysis, giant magnetostrictive composites with different concentration ratios are developed, and fiber optic gratings (FBGs) are pasted on the surface of the materials to achieve magnetic field detection. The proposed fiber optic magnetic field sensing technique achieves low electromagnetic interference magnetic detection, improved detection efficiency, and reduced rare earth alloy consumption.



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    本站小编 Free壹佰分学习网 2022-09-19