

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:LIU Qiang,FAN Jiqing , ZHOU Qiang ,HAN Wei,MA Jing
摘要:磁流变弹性体是将磁性颗粒( 微米级) 分散到聚合物弹性体中制备而成的一种磁控智能材料,其不仅拥有颗粒增强复合材料的优异力学特性,还具备迅速、连续且可逆的磁控特性,在智能传感、电磁屏蔽及缓冲减振 等领域具有广泛的前景 。为了促进磁流变弹性体及其振动控制技术的发展,综述了磁流变弹性体的材料组成,制备方法 。总结了磁流变弹性体在振动控制领域的应用现状及对应用前景进行了展望。
Abstract:The magnetorheological elastomer is a magnetic control intelligent material that is prepared by the micron magnetic particles dispersed to the polymer elastomer ,which not only has the excellent mechanical properties of the particle enhancement composite material,but also has the rapid,continuous and reversible magnetic control characteristics,which have broad application prospect in the field of buffer damping,intelligent sensing and electromagnetic shielding. In order to promote the development of the magnetorheological elastomers and their vibration control technology,the materials of magnetorheological elastomers were reviewed,and the preparation methods were summarized. The paper summarizes the research , application status and existing problems of magnetorheological elastomers in vibration control field. At the same time,the propects of magnetorheological elastomers and their
\nvibration control application are explored.



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