

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:吴晓刚 ,陈宇 ,郭豪琦 ,杜玖玉
Authors:WU Xiao-gang ,CHEN Yu ,GUO Hao-qi ,DU Jiu-yu 摘要:摘要:针对地铁列车节能高效运行的需求,在构建地铁列车牵引能耗计算模型的基础上,分析地铁列车辅助装置功率不同时,整车能耗随列车巡航速度的变化趋势。利用线性加权法定量计算地铁列车整车能耗和运行时间对应的最优巡航速度工况,定量分析地铁列车的节能潜力,为地铁列车节能高效运行提供参考。结果表明,不同辅助装置功率条件下,通过优化列车的巡航速度,可以有效降低地铁列车的整车能耗,最大节能潜力可达19.13%。
Abstract:Abstract:In view of the energysaving and efficient operation of metro trains (MTs) requirements, this paper analyzes the change trend of MT energy consumption with cruise speed when the power of auxiliary devices of metro train changes based on the calculation model of traction energy consumption of MT. The linear weighting method is used to quantitatively calculate the optimal cruise speed condition corresponding to the energy consumption and running time of the whole MT, and the energy saving potential of the MT is analyzed from a quantitative perspective to provide reference for the energy saving and efficient operation of the MTs. The results show that under different auxiliary device power conditions, the optimized cruise speed of the MT can effectively reduce the energy consumption of the whole MT, and the maximum energy saving potential can reach 19.13%.



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