

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07


Authors:XU Shao-yi,FENG Ting-yu,XING Fang-fang,SHEN Tao

Abstract:Abstract:In order to solve the problem of low measurement efficiency in traditional phase shifting profilometry, a phase unwrapping method using Fourier transform assisted phase-shifting method is proposed. The preliminary unwrapped phase is obtained by Fourier transform for the high-frequency phase-shifting fringe. Combined with the wrapped phase calculated by the phase-shifting method, the fringe order of the wrapped phase can be calculated. Then the final unwrapped phase is obtained according to the fringe order. With this method, only single high-frequency phase-shifting fringe patterns are needed to obtain the object phase information. The results show that compared with the phase-shifting method, the number of fringe patterns needing to be captured by the proposed method reduce 66.7%. Compared with the Fourier transform method, the phase accuracy calculated by the proposed method is higher. The proposed method has better detail information and is not sensitive to the selection of the filter.



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