

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:戴野,, 张朝宇,, 潘高峰, 邓皓, 陈新达
Authors:DAI Ye,ZHANG Chao yuPAN Gao feng,DENG Hao,CHEN Xin da摘要:高速电主轴因散热效率而产生的温升是导致热变形问题的重要因素 ,热变形是影响加工精度的主要因素之一 ,因此对其冷却润滑系统进行研究至关重要 。为了讨论近年来高速电主轴冷却润滑技术的研究进展 , 以高速电主轴为对象 ,围绕其内部生热及传热机制等方面进行了热特性分析 。结合国内外****对电主轴冷却润滑技术的研究 ,分别从电机和轴承方面阐述了不同冷却方式在高速电主轴冷却润滑技术的方法、原理、优缺点及应用。 同时分析了研究中存在的主要问题 ,并对今后的研究作出展望。
Abstract:The temperature rise of high-speed motorized spindle due to heat dissipation efficiency is an important factor leading to the problem of thermal deformation, which is one of the main factors affecting the machining accuracy, so it is crucial to study its cooling and lubrication system. In order to discuss the research progress of the cooling and lubrication technology of high-speed motorized spindles in recent years, a thermal characterization was carried out around the internal heat generation and heat transfer mechanism of high-speed motorized spindles as an object. Combined with the research of domestic and foreign scholars on the cooling and lubrication technology of motorized spindle, the methods, principles, advantages and disadvantages, and applications of different cooling methods in the cooling and lubrication technology of high-speed motorized spindle are elaborated respectively from the aspects of motor and bearing. At the same time, the main problems existing in the research are analyzed, and the outlook for future research is made.



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