
面向地质灾害勘测应用的无人机 GNSS 抗干扰技术

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:ZHANG Yonggang,ZHOU Chaorong,SHEN Feng
摘要:设计一种面向地质灾害勘测应用的无人机GNSS 抗干扰技术,以实现强干扰环境下的无失真空时自适应干扰抑制 。该方法以相位二进制偏移载波(binary offset carrier,BOC)信号为对象,利用空时自适应抗干扰天线结构,通过在BOC 信号两个谱峰对应的频率处对导向矢量进行扩展,并将扩展后的导向矢量进行叠加以作为最优自适应滤波准则的约束,在此基础之上 ,求解最优权矢量从而降低空时滤波器在抑制干扰时对 BOC 信号的损耗 。仿真结果表明 ,所提基于空时导向扩展的自适应滤波方法,在消除干扰的同时还可以最大程度保留 BOC 信号的能量 , 有效解决了传统滤波算法应用于 BOC 信号引起的能量损耗和失真问题。
Abstract:In this paper,a GNSS anti-jamming technology of UAV for geological hazard survey is designed to realize adaptive interference suppression without vacuum loss under strong jamming environment. This method utilizes the space-time adaptive anti- jamming antenna to process BOC signals, where the steering vector at the frequency corresponding to the two spectral peaks of the BOC signal is extended. The extended steering vector is overlapped as the constraint of the optimal adaptive filtering criterion. Based on which, the optimal weight vector is solved to reduce the loss of BOC signal when the space-time filter suppresses jamming. The simulation results show that the proposed adaptive filtering method based on space-time steering vector extension can not only mitigate the interference, but also protect the energy of BOC signal to the greatest extent and effectively solve the problem of energy loss caused by the traditional filtering algorithm applied to BOC signal.



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