
SWISS 整流器分数阶 PID 控制策略

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07


Authors:WANG Jitao,LIU Mingliang,XU Senyang,WANG Xizhe,ZHU Qiang
摘要:针对 SWISS 整流器的传统整数阶 PID 控制策略动态响应速度较慢、鲁棒性较差的问题 ,提出一种基于分数阶 PID 的 SWISS 整流器控制策略 。基于 SWISS 整流器的工作原理建立其小信号模型,得到SWISS 整流器的等效传递函数,并设计基于分数阶 PID 电压控制的双闭环控制结构 。为简化分数阶 PID 的阶次参数设计,采用整数 阶 PID 参数预整定的方法得到参数初值,并利用粒子群算法对分数阶 PID 控制器参数进行进一步设计优化 。仿真和实验结果表明,分数阶 PID 控制策略下的SWISS 整流器发生参考电压突变时电压稳定时间小于 7 ms、超调量小于 2%,发生负载扰动时电压稳定时间小于 4ms、超调量小于 3% ,动态性能优于整数阶 PID 控制策略。
Abstract:In response to the problems of slow dynamic response speed and poor robustness of the traditional integer order PID control strategy for SWISS rectifiers, this paper proposes a control strategy for SWISS rectifiers based on fractional order PID. Based on the working principle of SWISS rectifier, its Small-signal model is established, the equivalent transfer function of SWISS rectifier is obtained, and a double closed loop control structure based on fractional PID voltage control is designed. To simplify the order parameter design of fractional order PID, the integer order PID parameter pre-tuning method is used to obtain the initial parameter values, and particle swarm optimization algorithm is used to further design and optimize the fractional order PID controller parameters. The simulation and experimental results show that under the fractional order PID control strategy, the voltage stability time of the SWISS rectifier is less than 7ms when the reference voltage suddenly changes, and the overshoot is less than 2% . When the load disturbance occurs, the voltage stability time is less than 4ms, and the overshoot is less than 3% . The dynamic performance is better than the integer order PID control strategy.



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