

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:LI Hao,YU Hong,ZHANG Zhiqiang,ZHANG Guifeng,XU Dingjie摘要:针对山区降水形成的地下径流侵蚀脆弱土壤结构,导致该区域高压线塔基座产生不均匀沉降 ,对输电线路的安全产生严重的隐患,可以使用探地雷达技术对地下高含水区域以及空腔进行检测 。考虑到传统探地雷达技术易受杂波干扰,定位精度低,提出了一种基于频域熵值检测的杂波抑制算法 。该算法通过熵值衡量系统的混乱程度 。土壤层叠中的空腔以及高含水区域会使回波信号能量集中,有序性提高,熵值降低 。论文基于时域有限 差分法结合gprMax 软件对土壤层叠中空腔、高含水区域进行仿真 。比较 F-K 滤波与熵值检测方法 ,结果表明频域熵值测试能够更好实现对回波能量的聚焦,抑制杂波,分辨干扰和目标 ,有效提升对地下层叠不连续结构及高含水区域的探测性能。
Abstract:The underground runoff caused by precipitation in the mountain area erodes the fragile soil structure, which leads to the uneven settlement of the base of the high-voltage tower in this area, which poses a serious hidden danger to the safety of the transmission line. We use ground penetrating radar (GPR) technology to detect underground areas with high water cut and cavities. However , the traditional GPR technology is vulnerable to clutter, resulting in low positioning accuracy. To solve this problem, a clutter suppression algorithm based on frequency domain entropy detection is proposed. The algorithm measures the degree of confusion of the system by entropy. The cavities and high-water-content areas in the soil stratification will make the echo signal energy concentrated, the orderliness improved, and the entropy value reduced. Based on the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and gprMax, this paper simulates the cavity and high water-cut area of soil layer. Comparing the F-K filtering and entropy detection methods, the results show that the frequency domain entropy test can better realize the focusing of the echo energy, suppress the clutter, discriminate the interference and target, and effectively improve the detection performance of the underground layered discontinuous structure and high water content area.



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