
适用于任意阶数的 BOC 信号无模糊度捕获算法

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:SHU Yi,HU Hui,XIE Hongqun,FU Yufei
摘要:针对二进制偏移载波(binary offset carrier, BOC)调制信号在捕获过程中的模糊度问题,提出了 一种基于自相关函数加减互补的 BOC(m,n) 信号无模糊度捕获算法 。根据副载波脉冲周期延拓的特性,通过拆分副载波,进而分离自相关函数,将关于码相位对称的第一个子相关函数和最后一个子相关函数做加减法运算后求差值, 最后通过取模求和运算将旁峰完全消除 。理论和仿真实验结果表明,该算法的适应性良好,适用于任意阶数的 BOC 调制信号,并且可以完全消除旁峰,保留窄相关峰特性 。相比于 SCPC、ASPeCT 和 BPSK-Like 三种传统 BOC 信号无模糊度捕获算法,该算法的载噪比性能有约 1. 5 ~4. 5 dBHz 提高。
Abstract:Aiming at the ambiguity problem in the acquisition process of BOC ( binary offset carrier ) modulated signal, an unambiguous acquisition algorithm of BOC(m,n) signal based on auto-correlation addition and subtraction complementary is proposed. According to the characteristics of subcarrier pulse periodic extension, the purpose of separating the autocorrelation function is achieved by splitting the subcarriers. The first and last sub-correlation functions with respect to code phase symmetry are added and subtracted to calculate the difference, and finally the side peaks are completely eliminated by modulo summation operation. The theoretical and simulation results show that the algorithm has good adaptability, is suitable for BOC modulation signals with arbitrary order, and can completely eliminate side peaks while retaining the narrow correlation peak characteristics. Compared with SCPC, ASPeCT and BPSK- Like three traditional BOC signal unambiguous acquisition algorithms, the proposed algorithm has an increase in SNR performance of about 1. 5 ~4. 5 dBHz.



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