
基于 SDN 弹性光网络的电力通信网智能业务编排方法

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:KANG Zhongmiao,WU Zanhong,ZHANG Peiming,HUANG Donghai,BAO Yuben, LU Wenbing,ZHANG Sunxuan
摘要:针对电力通信网差异化业务编排问题,首先构造基于 SDN 弹性光网络的电力通信网框架 ,通过业务层与SDN 控制层完成配电网数据交互,支撑配网多种不同优先级电力通信网业务的正常运行 。其次,提出基于自适应业务优先级感知的电力通信网智能业务编排算法 ,根据不同业务优先级自适应调节探索因子,权衡不同优先级业务摇臂选择时的探索和利用的倾向 ,从而保证高优先级业务的高可靠传输的同时降低网络开销 。最后,通过算例分析验证所提技术在能效、时延等方面的性能优势 。文章的研究内容能为电力通信网差异化业务数据流低时延高效传输提供参考,从而支撑电力通信网高效运行。
Abstract:Aiming at the differentiated service orchestration for power communication network, this paper firstly constructs a power communication network architecture based on SDN elastic optical network and completes the data exchange between the service layer and the SDN control layer to support the normal operation of a variety of power communication network services with different priorities in the distribution network. Secondly, an adaptive service priority-aware learning-based service orchestration algorithm for power communication network is proposed, which adaptively adjusts the exploration factor according to different service priorities and balances the exploration and exploitation of different priority service arm selections, thereby ensuring the high transmission of high-priority service and reducing the network cost. Finally, the performance advantages of the proposed algorithm in terms of energy efficiency and delay are verified by numerical analysis. The research content of this paper can provide a reference for the low-latency and efficient transmission of differentiated service data flow of power communication network, thereby supporting the efficient operation of power communication network.



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