

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:CHEN Chuanhai,GUO Jinyan,LIU Mingying,LIU Zhifeng,YANG Zhaojun,QI Baobao摘要:\n\t针对可靠性分配过程中影响因素和专家打分的不确定性问题,提出一种将灰色关联理论、模糊集理论和有序加权平均算子结合的基于改进综合因子法的数控伺服刀架可靠性分配方法。综合考虑技术水平、重要度、复杂度、运行环境、维修性、费效比等多种影响因素,将各因素细化并分层,建立分层的综合因子评价模型,并给出评价标准。综合现场试验得到的统计数据,建立子系统的全局指标模型,得到每个子系统的全局指标,以故障率为分配指标将数控刀架系统的总体故障率分配到各子系统,实现数控伺服刀架的可靠性分配,得到的可靠度分配结果为驱动系统2.193×10-5、传动装置1.645×10-5、锁紧松开及定位装置2.547×10-5、刀盘信号装置盘1.345×10-5、密封与紧固装置4.589×10-5和连接线与连接界面4.544×10-5, 与数控伺服刀架的工程实际情况相符。\n

Abstract:\n\tAiming at the uncertainty caused by independent consideration of influencing factors and expert scoring in the process of reliability allocation, a reliability allocation method of NC tool holder based on greycorrelation theory, fuzzy set theory and ordered weighted averaging operator is proposedThe technical level,importance, complexity, operation environment, maintainability, costeffectiveness ratio and other influencing factors are comprehensively considered.The factors are refined and organized into layers to establish a layered comprehensive factor evaluation model. Additionally, evaluation criteria are provided. Based on the statistical data obtained from the field test, the global index model of the subsystem is established to obtain the global index of each subsystemTaking the failure rate as the allocation index, the overall failure rate of the NC tool holder system is allocated to each subsystem to complete the reliability allocation of the NC servo tool holder.The obtained reliability allocation result is 2.193×10-5for the rest drive system, 1.645×10-5for the transmission device, 2.547×10-5for the locking, loosening and positioning device, 1.345×10-5for the cutter head signal device, 4.589×10-5for the sealing and fastening device, and 4.544×10-5for the connecting line and interface, which is consistent with the actual engineering condition of NC servo tool rest.\n



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