

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:ZHAO Bing,MA Bao,HE Bin,XU Shaoyi摘要:在地下煤炭资源开采过程中,高地压、高应力等外部因素会使得巷道围岩出现形状改变并引发冒顶、片帮等围岩破坏现象,严重威胁煤矿安全生产 。为及时掌握巷道围岩变形情况 ,对煤矿巷道变形进行有效监测,提出了一种基于三维激光点云技术的巷道断面提取与变形量分析方法,并通过巷道内模拟实验验证了该方法的可行性 。实验结果表明:所提方法能够适应井下巷道复杂环境, 自动识别巷道变形位置并利用断面提取法进行更精确的变形分析,所监测表面位移分辨率能够达到厘米级,符合巷道表面位移监测需求。
Abstract:In the process of underground coal resource extraction, the external factors such as high ground pressure and high stress make the surrounding rock shape change and lead to the collapse of the surrounding rock and other phenomena. It will seriously threaten the safety of coal mine production. In order to timely grasp the deformation of surrounding rock in roadway and effectively monitor the deformation of coal mine roadway, we propose a method for extracting tunnel sections and analyzing deformation based on 3D laser point cloud technology. The feasibility of this method is verified through simulation experiments in roadway. And the experimental results show that the proposed method can adapt to the complex environment of the roadway, automatically identify the deformation location of the roadway, and use the section extraction method for more accurate deformation analysis. The monitoring surface displacement resolution can reach centimeter level to meet the needs of roadway surface displacement monitoring.



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