

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:CHENG Yao-nan,ZHANG Xian-peng,ZHANG Guang-xin,JIANG Wen-qi,LI Bao-wei摘要:摘要:针对高速电主轴高速化和结构集成化带来的温升控制等技术难题,对高速电主轴现有冷却技术成果进行系统分析和深入总结,主要从热源、传热机理以及内部生热影响等方面对高速电主轴进行热特性分析;对高速电主轴关键部件的冷却技术进行阐述,基于被动冷却和主动冷却两种冷却方式,从电机、轴承、主轴方面深入分析和评述不同冷却方式在高速电主轴冷却技术中的方法、原理、优缺点以及应用;对当前更经济有效的冷却技术应用于工程实践以克服未来挑战的问题进行讨论,并对未来的发展趋势进行展望。
Abstract:Abstract:For the high-speed motorized spindle high-speed and structural integration of the temperature rise control and other technical problems, the existing cooling technology achievements of high-speed motorized spindles are systematically analyzed and summarized in depth. The thermal characteristics of high-speed motorized spindles are mainly analyzed in terms of the heat sources, heat transfer mechanisms, and internal heat generation effects. The cooling technology of the main components of the high-speed motorized spindle is explained. Based on passive cooling and active cooling, the methods, principles, advantages and disadvantages and applications of different cooling methods in the high-speed motorized spindle cooling technology are analyzed and reviewed from the aspects of motor, bearing and spindle. This paper explores the more cost-effective and efficient cooling technologies currently used in engineering practice to address potential challenges and predicts future trends in growth.



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