

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:岳彩旭, 胡德生, 张安山, 刘献礼, 刘智博, 陈志涛
Authors:YUE Caixu, HU Desheng, ZHANG Anshan, LIU Xianli, LIU Zhibo, CHEN Zhitao摘要:摘 要:在发动机气门导管加工过程中,焊接式铰刀几何参数对铰削过程中切削力、切削温度、刀具损伤等有显著影响。提出一种结合快速参数化建模、有限元仿真及多目标优化的试验方法来得到最优的刀片几何参数。首先通过Python语言进行刀片和工件几何参数化建模的二次开发;其次采用单因素试验法分析不同刀片几何参数对切削力、切削温度的影响趋势;最后结合正交试验法与响应曲面法建立了以切削力及切削温度为目标的函数,通过Fmincon优化模型得到刀片几何参数最优解。该研究方法有效的提高了刀具设计的效率,并对焊接式铰刀几何结构设计具有重要指导意义。
Abstract:Abstract:In the engine valve guide machining process, the geometric parameters of the welded reamer have a significant effect on the cutting force, cutting temperature, tool damage, etc.during the reaming process. A test method combining fast parametric modeling, finite element simulation and multi-objective optimization is proposed to obtain the optimal blade geometric parameters. Firstly, the secondary development of blade and workpiece geometric parameter modeling is carried out through Python language; secondly, single factor experiment method is used to analyze the influence trend of different blade geometric parameters on cutting force and cutting temperature; finally, the orthogonal experiment method and response surface method are combined to establish a function with cutting force and cutting temperature as the objective is obtained, and the optimal solution of insert geometric parameters is obtained through the Fmincon optimization model. This research method effectively improves the efficiency of tool design and has important guiding significance for the geometric structure design of welded reamer.



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