

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:ZHU Su-xia,LONG Yi-fei,SUN Guang-lu,LI Chun-feng摘要:摘要:目前在软件定义数据中心网络中,基于蚁群算法的流调度策略在对路径进行选择时存在收敛过慢和搜索停滞等缺点,容易导致数据中心网络时延过高和资源利用率低等问题。为此,提出一种基于蚁群改进的流调度算法。该算法以最大化平均链路带宽利用率为优化目标,将流调度问题抽象为整数线性规划模型,通过重定义蚁群算法中的信息素更新方式对大流的重路由路径进行求解。仿真实验表明,该算法与传统的经典流调度算法和基于蚁群算法的流调度策略相比,能够更有效地提升网络平均对分带宽,同时降低网络传输时延和丢包率,充分利用网络资源。
Abstract:Abstract:At present, in the software defined data center network, the flow scheduling strategy based on ant colony algorithm has the disadvantages of too slow convergence and search stagnation in path selection, which easily leads to the problems of excessively high data center network delay and low resource utilization.Therefore, this paper proposes an improved flow scheduling algorithm based on ant colony. In this algorithm, the flow scheduling problem is abstracted as an integer linear programming model to maximize the average link bandwidth utilization, and the reroute path is solved by redefining pheromone updating mode in ant colony algorithm. The simulation results show that this algorithm can effectively improve the average bandwidth of the network, reduce the transmission delay and packet loss rate, and make full use of the network resources, compared with the traditional classical flow scheduling algorithm and the flow scheduling strategy based on ant colony algorithm.



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