
正压呼吸防护面罩中无刷电机的模糊 PID 控制

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:ZHAO Xintong,GUAN Jianhui,HU Yongxin,WANG Tianyu摘要:正压呼吸防护面罩是作为医护工作者抗击新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2) 所使用的个体防护装备 。本文忽略呼吸扰动等因素对送风子系统所产生的干扰,以送风子系统中的无刷直流电机为研究对象,建立无刷直流 电机的数学模型;在 MATLAB/Simulink 环境中建立无刷直流电机转速 PID 控制模型,但由于无刷直流电机存在非线性、时变性等特点,导致 PID 控制对送风子系统中无刷直流电机的控制效果并不理想 。然而 ,由于模糊控制不需 要被控对象的精确模型,所以可以使用模糊 PID 来完成对送风子系统中无刷直流电机的控制优化 。通过仿真实验结果表明:使用模糊 PID 控制系统的稳定性优于 PID 控制系统,无刷直流电机控制性能得到提升。
Abstract:Positive pressure respiratory protection mask is used as individual protective equipment for health care workers to protect against the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2). In this paper, the interference of respiratory disturbance and other factors on the air delivery subsystem is ignored, and the mathematical model of Brushless DC motor in the air delivery subsystem is established as the research object. The Brushless DC motor speed PID control model is established in MATLAB/Simulink environment. However, due to the nonlinear and time-varying characteristics of Brushless DC motor, the control effect of PID control on Brushless DC motor in the air supply subsystem is not ideal. The simulation experiment results show that the stability of using fuzzy PID control system is better than that of PID control system, and the control performance of Brushless DC motor is improved.



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