
改进 STSMO 的 PMSM 无传感器直接转矩控制系统

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:Lü Degang,JI Tanglong,JIANG Gouwei摘要:为提高滑模观测器转子位置观测精度 ,抑制抖振频发,提出了一种基于超螺旋滑模观测器(STSMO)的双重滤波直接转矩(DTC)控制方法 。传统滑模观测器为了提取连续的扩展反电动势估计值 ,通常需要外加一个低通滤波器滤除高频信号,采用STSMO 来提取反电动势 ,在低通滤波器前提下增加了卡尔曼滤波器 ,形成双重滤波结构,进一步滤除噪声和干扰信号 ,减小估算反电动势中的纹波 , 同时用饱和函数替代原有的符号函数以减小抖振 。实验和仿真结果证明 ,改进 STSMO 控制系统能有效抑制系统抖振 ,具有更好的控制精度和稳态品质。
Abstract:In order to improve the observation accuracy of the rotor position of the sliding mode observer and suppress the frequent chattering, a double-filtered direct torque (DTC) control method based on the Super-Twisting sliding mode observer (STSMO) was proposed. In order to extract the continuous estimated value of the back EMF, the traditional sliding mode observer usually needs to add a low-pass filter to filter out high-frequency signals. In this paper, STSMO is used to extract the back EMF, and the Kalman filter is added under the premise of the low-pass filter. A double filter structure is formed, which further filters out noise and interference signals, reduces the ripple in the estimated back EMF, and replaces the original sign function with a saturation function to reduce chattering. The experimental and simulation results show that the improved STSMO control system can effectively suppress the system chattering, and has better control accuracy and steady-state quality.



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