

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:CHENG Haojie,TANG Xu,MA Zhaoxing,LI Yongxiao,WANG Ruihua摘要:由于异步起动永磁同步电动机的定转子双边开槽,增加了其齿槽转矩的特性分析及削弱措施研究的 难度 ,现有针对该类电机齿槽转矩的削弱措施效果有限 。首先 ,基于永磁体单独作用时的气隙磁密分布、定转子开槽引起的气隙磁导函数分布的解析模型,建立了齿槽转矩的解析分析模型;然后 ,研究了能有效削弱齿槽转矩的电机结构参数确定方法;最后,以一台 18. 5 kW 样机为例 ,确定了能有效抑制电机齿槽转矩的定子齿宽、转子齿宽。结果显示 ,与现有削弱措施相比 ,确定的定子齿宽、转子齿宽能进一步将齿槽转矩削弱 46. 64% 、65. 98% ,并且不会对电机的运行性能产生显著影响。
Abstract:The stator and rotor of line-start permanent magnet synchronous motor ( LSPMSM) are slotted on both sides, which greatly increases the difficulty of analyzing the characteristics of cogging torque of LSPMSM and studying its suppression methods. The existing methods to suppress the cogging torque of LSPMSM have limited effect. Firstly, based on the analytical model of the air-gap magnetic density distribution when the permanent magnet acts alone and the air-gap magnetic permeability function distribution caused by the stator and rotor slots, the analytical model of the cogging torque of LSPMSM is established. Then, the method of determining the motor structure parameters that can effectively suppress the cogging torque is studied. Finally, taking an 18. 5 kW LSPMSM as a prototype , the stator tooth width and rotor tooth width that can effectively suppress the cogging torque are determined. The results show that, compared with the existing methods, the stator tooth width and rotor tooth width of the motor determined in this paper can further reduce the cogging torque of the motor by 46. 64% and 65. 98% , and it will not have a significant impact on the operating performance of the motor.



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