

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:WANG Jianjun,RU Wei, SHI Guangnan,SU Xiaoyun, WANG Yifei,JIANG Wei摘要:针对软开关并网运行能够提升配电网供电弹性、优化电网运行结构的特性未能实现应用的问题 。提 出 了一种考虑智能软开关的配电网重构检修协同优化方法 。建立以最小网损为目标的配电网重构模型 ,综合考虑 检修成本与运行成本 ,建立配电网重构检修协同优化决策模型与求解方法 。采用改进的 IEEE 33 系统进行算例分析,仿真结果显示采用重构检修协同优化后 , 系统平均网损减小了 35. 57% , 系统整体电压偏差减小了原来的 17. 2% ,验证了考虑智能软开关的配电网重构检修协同优化可以有效提升配电网运行经济性与安全性。
Abstract:The characteristics of soft switching grid-connected operation which can improve the power supply elasticity of distribution network and optimize the operation structure of power grid have not been applied. A collaborative optimization method for distribution network reconfiguration maintenance considering intelligent soft switching is proposed. A distribution network reconfiguration model with the objective of minimizing network loss is established. Considering the maintenance cost and operation cost, the collaborative optimization decision model and solution method of distribution network reconfiguration and maintenance are established. The improved IEEE 33 system is used for example analysis. The simulation results show that the average network loss of the system is reduced by 35. 57 % and the overall voltage deviation of the system is reduced by 17. 2 % after the collaborative optimization of reconfiguration and maintenance. It is verified that the collaborative optimization of distribution network reconfiguration and maintenance considering intelligent soft switching can effectively improve the economy and safety of distribution network operation.



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