
含分布式电源配网多时间尺度电压 - 无功控制

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:刘浩田,郑楚玉,冷 阳,李 琴,张 华,陈仕杜,李佳勇
Authors:LIU Haotian,ZHENG Chuyu,LENG Yang,LI Qin,ZHANG Hua,CHEN Shidu , LI Jiayong摘要:针对大规模分布式电源接入配电网导致的网损增加、电压偏移增大和电压越限等问题,研究考虑不同种类和响应速度调压设备的多时间尺度电压- 无功协同控制方法 。在日前阶段 ,建立以最小化网损及电压偏差为目标,考虑有载调压分接头、电容器组等传统设备的 日前优化模型 ,采用线性化和二 阶锥方法进行高效求解 ;在日内阶段 ,考虑不同分布式电源及调压设备的调节成本差异 ,提出基于电压灵敏度原理的无功 - 有功高效电压控制模型 。仿真算例表明 ,该方案能降低电压偏移和网络损耗( 降低 34. 73% ) , 当电压越限发生时 ,能根据电压灵敏度以及各设备调控成本优化控制目标 ,在调整电压的同时兼顾经济性。
Abstract:Aiming at the problems of network loss increase, voltage deviation and voltage exceeding specified limits when large- scale distributed generations ( DGs) connected to distribution network ( DN) , this paper proposes a multi-time scale coordinated control method considering different types and response speeds of reactive power regulation equipment. In day-ahead stage, an optimization model is established to minimize the network loss and voltage deviation, by controlling traditional equipment like tap changers and capacitor banks, which is efficiently solved by linearization and second-order cone algorithm. In real-time stage, a reactive power-voltage control model based on the voltage sensitivity principle is proposed, which considers the differences in the adjustment costs of different DGs. The simulation example shows that the proposed method reduces the voltage deviation and network loss (by 34. 73% ). And for the voltage regulation, it can optimize the regulation target according to the voltage sensitivity and the regulation costs of each DG, and thus has better economic performance while adjusting voltages.



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