
赋 s 范数 Orlicz 函数空间的光滑点

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:徐 浩,王俊明
Authors:XU Hao,WANG Junming摘要:光滑点是巴拿赫空间几何理论中的重要概念,在估计理论,概率论等领域有重要应用 。本文中 ,首先用凸模引入赋 s - 范数 Orlicz 空间对偶空间范数,然后讨论对偶范数的范数可达性,在此基础上给出赋 s - 范数 Or- licz 空间的支撑泛函的显式形式 ,最后给出赋 s - 范数 Orlicz 空间光滑点的判据。
Abstract:Smooth points are important concepts in Banach space geometry theory, which have important applications in estimation theory, probability theory and other fields. In this paper, firstly the dual norm of Orlicz space endowed with s-norm is introduced by convex model and then the norm attainability of dual norm is discussed. On this basis, the explicit form of support functional for Orlicz space endowed with s-norm is given. Finally, a criterion for smooth points in Orlicz space endowed with s-norm is presented.



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