

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:WU Yueneng,LI Jianying , LI Xufei , HUANG Yuxuan ,LI Yueying,CHENG Luo摘要:针对滑阀的静态特性能够影响液压伺服系统性能的问题,主要采用软件模拟仿真的方法分析了在滑阀阀芯台肩处设置改进矩形预开口的情况下,获得随着阀芯位移的变化阀芯内部流场的压力、流速以及流量的分布规律,从而得到阀芯的应变情况,得出不同过流面的压力及流速变化规律,并仿真分析了在无预开口情况下对应 的压力,流速,流量等参数的分布情况,分析了在开设圆形预开口与无预开口情况下对液压阀流量增益的影响 。仿真结果表明滑阀采用改进矩形槽结构之后,能明显改善其内部的流场分布、有效减小了阀芯变形,从而提高换向阀的动静态性能。
Abstract:In view of the problem that the static characteristics of the slide valve can affect the performance of the hydraulic servo system,the software simulation method is mainly used to analyze the pressure,flow velocity and flow distribution law of the internal flow field of the spool with the change of the spool displacement when the improved rectangular pre opening is set at the spool shoulder of the slide valve,so as to obtain the strain of the spool and the change law of the pressure and flow velocity on different flow surfaces. The distribution of pressure,flow velocity,flow rate and other parameters without pre opening are simulated and analyzed,and the influence of rectangular pre opening and no pre opening on the flow gain of hydraulic valve is analyzed.The simulation results show that the improved rectangular groove structure can significantly improve the internal flow field distribution ,effectively reduce the spool deformation,and improve the dynamic and static performance of the directional valve.



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