

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:HAN Guihua, ZHU Yipeng,HONG Jian,LI Dawei摘要:通过控制变量法使用 Fluent 软件对内孔式旋转空化器进行数值模拟,得到结构参数( 盲孔的孔径、孔深,单排盲孔个数) 和操作参数( 转速、入口压力) 对空化效果的影响规律: 转子盲孔孔径、孔深、单排盲孔个数增加, 转速( 2 000 ~3 000 r / min) 增加,则盲孔中气体体积增加; 入口压力( 1 MPa~4 MPa) 增加,则盲孔中气体体积减小。实验中以纯水水样空化过程中温升和电导率的变化为空化效果检验标准,在 3 000 ~9 000 r / min 随着转速的增加, 温升和电导率显著加,间接验证数值模拟的结果 。本文为内孔式旋转空化器的结构参数优化提供参考。
Abstract:In this paper,the numerical simulation of the rotary cavitator with internal bore using Fluent software was carried out by the control variable method,and the influence law of structural parameters ( bore diameter and depth of blind bore,number of single row of blind bore) and operating parameters ( rotational speed and inlet pressure) on the cavitation effect was obtained: the increase of bore diameter,bore depth and number of single row of blind bore of rotor,and the increase of rotational speed ( 2 000 ~3 000 r / min) , the volume of gas in the blind bore If the inlet pressure ( 1 MPa~4 MPa) increases,the volume of gas in the blind bores decreases. The temperature rise and conductivity changes of the cavitation process of pure water samples were used as the cavitation effect test criteria,and the temperature rise and conductivity increased significantly with the increase of rotational speed from 3 000 ~9 000 r / min to indirectly verify the results of numerical simulation. This paper provides a reference for the optimization of the structural parameters of the endocavitating rotary cavitator.



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