

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:赵宗雎 , 王希贵
Authors:ZHAO Zongju, WANG Xigui摘要:针对森林探测 ,森林防火等复杂情况下 ,需要特种机器人进行工 作 ,建立完善的针对特种机器人的远 程监控平台 ,实时监测机器人运行状态可以预防事故发生 。 以 ROS 开发的四足机器人为研究对象 ,开展了云平台 的机器人远程监控系统的分析设计工作 ,整体系统由数据通信子系统和后台管理子系统两大部分组成 。数据通信 子系统采用 WebSocket 协议 ,实现全双工通信 ;后台管理子系统采用前后端分离方式开发 ,结构清晰且利于升级维 护 。就所设计的远程监控系统进行了验证性实物实验 。实验结果表明 :机器人端可以收到并响应用户下发的控制 指令 ,用户端可以读取并通过可视化界面监测机器人关节电机等期望状态信息 ,并能够对实时曲线上关键数据进 行保存 ,以及对保存后的数据进行在线数据管理 。实验结果证明本研究所设计远程监控系统满足设计需求并具有 可用性和易用性。
Abstract:For complex situations such as forest detection and forest fire prevention, special robots are needed to work. A perfect remote monitoring platform for special robots is established to monitor the operation status of robots in real time, which can prevent accidents. Taking the quadruped robot developed by ROS as the research object, the analysis and design of the robot remote monitoring system on the cloud platform is carried out. The overall system is composed of two parts: data communication subsystem and background management subsystem. The data communication subsystem adopts websocket protocol to realize full duplex communication. The background management subsystem is developed by separating the front and rear ends, with clear structure and easy to upgrade and maintain. A confirmatory physical experiment is carried out on the designed remote monitoring system. Experiments show that the robot can receive and respond to the control instructions issued by the user. The user can read and monitor the expected state information such as robot joint motor through the visual interface, save the key data on the real-time curve, and manage the saved data online. The experimental results show that the remote monitoring system designed by this research institute meets the design requirements and has usability and ease of use.



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