Authors:\n\tDAI Yanjie,JING Zhen,SUN Yongquan\n
Abstract:\n\tAiming at the problem of operation state evaluation and prediction of high reliability and long life smart meter, a comprehensive evaluation method of smart meter operation quality by integrating multisource information is proposed. Three top level indexes of stability, reliability and abnormal events are analyzed in the whole life cycle of smart meter. The initial stability index and dynamic stability index are calculated according to the error first inspection record and misalignment error estimation, and the normal distribution is used to describe the stability index and determine the distribution parameters. The reliability and reliability life are calculated by using the fault data of the on site disassembled meter. The reliability index of the smart meter is approximately fitted by the normal distribution, and the distribution parameters are determined by the moment equivalent method. Bayes theorem is used to calculate the probability of triggering abnormal events of smart meter. Considering that the probability obeys uniform distribution, the uniform distribution is approximately transformed into normal distribution with the help of moment equivalent method, and the distribution parameters are calculated. The time varying weight factor is constructed by using the running time, and the static characteristic index and dynamic characteristic index are combined to evaluate the top level index. The weight of each top level index is determined based on the fuzzy theory.The comprehensive evaluation method of the operation quality of the smart meter is constructed by integrating the multi-source reliability information, and the operation state evaluation results and fault risk probability of the smart meter are given.The research results have reference value for the reliable and stable operation of smart grid, the construction of spot trading power market, the rotation and operation maintenance of smart electricity meters.\n