Authors:\n\tYIN Jianbing,HUO Jiali,YU Dan,CHEN Lin,SONG Kexuan,LI Zhiyi\n
摘要:\n\t在配电网中合理规划分布式储能,不仅可以平滑新能源出力,提高风光利用率,还能够提高配电网在台风天气下的供电保障能力。鉴于此,提出了一种兼顾配电网在常规和台风场景下运行效能的分布式储能规划方法。首先,随机生成海量台风场景,并使用t-SNE算法进行了降维聚类;在此基础上,将规划问题建模为包含多类型场景的混合整数规划模型;随后,应用Benders分解法将该复杂模型分解为主问题与子问题并顺序迭代求解,解决了考虑海量场景后模型的维数灾难问题。最后,以IEEE 33节点系统为例进行数值仿真,验证了所提模型的有效性以及求解算法的快速性。\n
Abstract:\n\tRational planning of distributed energy storage in distribution network can not only smooth the output of new energy and improve the utilization rate of new energy, but also guarantee the power supply of distribution network in extreme weather.In this paper, a distributed energy storage planning method considering the operation efficiency of distribution network in conventional and typhoon scenarios is proposed.Firstly, a large number of typhoon scenes are randomly generated, and t-SNE algorithm is used for dimension reduction and clustering. On this basis, the planning problem is modeled as a mixed integer programming model containing multiple types of scenarios. Then, the Benders decomposition algorithm is used to decompose the complex model into main problem and subproblems so it can be solved iteratively.The method solves the dimension disaster of the model considering massive scenesFinally, the IEEE 33 bus system is taken as an example to verify the effectiveness of the proposed model and the rapidity of the solution algorithm.\n