

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07


Authors:\n\tGAO Baoqi,MA Hanchao,BI Yanbing,ZHANG Xiaojun,WU Suzhou\n

Abstract:\n\tIn order to monitor the running state of high-voltage cable in real time and ensure the safe transportation of power, a partial discharge signal capture method of high-voltage cable based on deep belief network is studied.The improved variational modal decomposition algorithm is used to remove the internal noise of the original local signal; the deep belief network capture model is established, and the limited Boltzmann machine is pre trained by contrast divergence algorithm to obtain the pre training network parameters of the capture model; using the global fine tuning capture model of adaptive moment estimation algorithm, the denoised signal is inputted into the trained capture model and the partial discharge signal is outputted.Experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively remove the internal noise from partial discharge signals.In the case of different interferences, the capture probability of this method is above 0.9, which has excellent anti-interference performance and accurately captures the partial discharge signal types caused by insulation defects.\n



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