

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:\n\t李学东,颜景斌,高崇禧,沈云森,魏金鑫,袁银,郑雪梅 \n

Authors:\n\tLI Xuedong,YAN Jingbin,GAO Chongxi,SHEN Yunsen,WEI Jinxin,YUAN Yin,ZHENG Xuemei \n

Abstract:\n\tAiming at the problems of large output overshoot, poor anti-interference ability and long response time of the traditional current source rectifier controlled by double closed-loop proportional integral controller (PI), the linear auto disturbance rejection control strategy is adopted and the linear extended state observer (LESO) is used to observe and compensate the disturbance of the current source rectifier.By analyzing the mathematical model of current source rectifier and the structural principle of linear active disturbance rejection controller (LADRC), the LADRC current outer loop controller and current inner loop d-axis and q-axis controller of current source pulse width modulation (PWM) rectifier are designed.The control effects of PI control and LADRC control are compared and verified through the simulation platform.Finally, the simulation results show that compared with PI control, linear ADRC has stronger anti-interference ability, shorter response time and no overshoot.\n



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