

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:孙宇飞, 郑晓雯, 陈 浩, 刘肖杉
Authors:SUN Yu-fei, ZHENG Xiao-wen, CHEN Hao, LIU Xiao-Shan摘要:摘 要:针对ANSYS软件自带结构优化算法的不足,将改进的遗传算法应用其中。以颚式破碎机整体结构优化为例,建立基于Solidworks和ANSYS二次开发的颚式破碎机优化平台,分别采用ANSYS软件传统优化算法和内嵌ANSYS有限元分析的改进遗传算法进行优化设计。结果表明:与ANSYS软件自带优化算法相比,改进后的遗传算法在颚式破碎机的整体结构设计中具有明显优势,不仅优化时间大大缩短,优化精度也显著提升。研究结果可为特定零部件的结构优化设计与专用软件开发提供参考。
Abstract:Abstract:Aiming at the deficiency of ANSYS′s own optimization algorithm, the improved genetic algorithm is applied to the structural optimization design of ANSYS.Taking the whole structure optimization of jaw crusher as an example, the optimization platform of jaw crusher based on SolidWorks and ANSYS is established.The traditional optimization algorithm of ANSYS and the improved genetic algorithm with embedded ANSYS finite element analysis are used to optimize the design.The results show that compared with the optimization algorithm of ANSYS, the improved genetic algorithm has obvious advantages in the overall structure design of jaw crusher. Not only the optimization time is greatly shortened, but also the optimization accuracy is significantly improved.The research results can provide reference for the structural optimization design and special software development of specific parts.



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