

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

作者:何丽娟,陈 宇,田付强,曾均吉,杨翔宇,叶战争
Authors:HE Li-juan, CHEN Yu, TIAN Fu-qiang, ZENG Jun-ji, YANG Xiang-yu, YE Zhan-zheng摘要:摘 要:电力复合脂是一种新型的电工材料,在输变电系统中发挥着至关重要的作用。在电气连接中涂抹电力复合脂能有效降低接触电阻,对导电体起到抗氧化、防腐蚀和减摩抗磨作用,有效提高电力设备的稳定性和可靠性。研究人员通过对电力复合脂填料的调制和改性,从而达到提升电力复合脂的导电性和润滑性的目的。文中介绍了电力复合脂的导电机理和应用领域。综述了碳纳米管型电力复合脂、锂盐型电力复合脂和石墨烯型电力复合脂在摩擦学性能和导电性能方面的研究现状,展望了电力复合脂用在电力设备连接中的发展前景。
Abstract:Abstract:Conductive grease is a new type of electrical material, which plays a vital role in power transmission and transformation systems. Applying conductive grease in the electrical connection can effectively reduce the contact resistance, and play an anti-oxidation, anti-corrosion, anti-friction and antiwear effect on the conductor, and effectively improve the stability and reliability of the electrical equipment. Researchers achieve the purpose of improving the conductivity and lubricity of the conductive grease by modulating and modifying the conductive grease filler. The paper introduces the conductive mechanism and application fields of conductive grease. The research status of tribological properties and electrical conductivity of carbon nanotube type conductive grease, lithium salt type conductive grease and graphene type conductive grease are reviewed, and the development prospect of conductive grease used in electrical equipment connection is prospected.



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